
Monday, September 13, 2021

ELCA Has Over 390 Queer Ministers

 We posted a few months ago about a transgender Bishop who had been appointed to oversee some 200 churches in the ELCA.  If you ever meet this Bishop please remember to us the pronouns them/they.  I guess they aren't really sure if it was a man who is trying to look like a woman or if it was a woman trying to look like a man.  Also remember that if you see this Bishop and you refer to him as he or could be held liable for hate crimes.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) has taken more steps in its rapid decline into apostasy as it installed its first openly transgender bishop in a service held in San Francisco’s Grace Cathedral on Saturday.

The Rev. Megan Rohrer will lead one of the church’s 65 synods, overseeing nearly 200 congregations in Northern California and northern Nevada.

It was also announced that the bishop-elect should be addressed with the pronouns "they/their".

Rohr was the first transgender person to be ordained by the ELCA in 2006 and now makes "history", the pro-LGBT group Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries said. "We anticipate the day when all queer ministry leaders will be called to ministry settings without hindrance or barrier and will be affirmed in their God-given calls". 

According to this group, there are over 390 queer ministers in the ELCA at this point.

The ELCA is known for its strong theological shift in the last 15 years towards an "inclusive" theology, except when it comes to Israel.

Here;  Transgender Bishops & The Fall Of The Evangelical Lutheran Church In America (

Hmmm....Sodomites and perverts in control of the flock and they are cursing Israel??...what could possibly go wrong?

How tragic and yet how prophetic?  It fulfills what the Bible said would happen in the very last days as people hire preachers and teachers who tell them exactly what they want to hear!  "There is no sin!  There is no hell!  There is no Satan!  Eat, drink, screw and have fun!  For tomorrow we die and there will be no condemnation or judgment!  Just heaven for everybody!!"

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