
Thursday, September 2, 2021

How Bible Prophecy Gives Us Perspective

I've posted Pastor Greg Laurie's devo from today.  Are we excited for the return of our King Jesus?  Or are we living in disobedience and not excited for His return?  I love what Pastor says when he points out that when we live with the expectation that Christ could return soon, it changes the way we live.


Revelation 1:3   God blesses the one who reads the words of this prophecy to the church, and he blesses all who listen to its message and obey what it says, for the time is near 

Have you ever wondered what will happen in the future? Have you ever wished you could see what will take place? In some ways, I’m glad I don’t know the future. God knows the future, I know Him, and that’s enough.

The book of Revelation, however, gives us a glimpse into the future. In fact, the Bible says there’s a special blessing promised to those who hear and keep the words of this book (see Revelation 1:3).

Revelation means “the unveiling,” because it is not God’s desire to conceal but to reveal. And one thing I’ve learned from studying this great book is that God has a plan, and everything is right on schedule. I’ve also discovered that the best is yet to come, and as followers of Jesus Christ, we win in the end.

When we study Revelation, and Bible prophecy in general, we gain perspective. When we learn about the future, it motivates us to live righteously in the present. And how we view the future is important. If we believe that Jesus could return at any moment, it will affect the way that we live.

For instance, when you were a child and did something wrong, maybe your mother said, “Just wait until your father gets home!” Did you look forward to his arrival?

No, you didn’t. When you heard his car pull into the driveway and knew he was walking up to the door, you were afraid.

On the other hand, if you were good and didn’t get into trouble that day, you could hardly wait until your father got home.

Now let’s apply that to the Lord’s return. If we’re right with God, then we’re looking forward to it. But if we’ve disobeyed Him, then maybe we’re dreading it.

Our belief in the imminent return of Jesus has an effect on us and on the way we live.

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