
Wednesday, September 1, 2021

MN Nurses Sound Alarm on Covid Shot

We are sorry for all the Covid “vaccine” posts we have done in the past weeks. It’s just a really big deal when governments start bullying and bribing their citizens to get a shot. And then they encourage private employers to threaten their employees with termination unless they get the shot. These MN nurses are complaining about the fact they are seeing more “vaccination” problems than they are seeing Covid patients. And yes, the world is in full training for the actual Mark of the Beast. Jesus must be close. I’m hearing from many readers that their interest in things of this world aren’t holding the same interest for them anymore. It’s like we can all see where this is going and we are really yearning to go home. “This world is NOT your home.”


Minnesota nurses say that injuries related to the coronavirus vaccine are underreported as hospital administrators discourage use of the adverse reaction reporting system.

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a government-administered database that health care professionals are required to use to report adverse reactions their patients have to vaccines. However, Minnesota nurses say that negative reactions to the COVID-19 vaccine are underreported as hospitals discourage their staff from recording them.

These reports that the COVID shot may be more dangerous than the public is led to believe came by way of a town hall hosted by Rep. Erik Mortensen on Friday. The town hall was comprised of about two dozen nurses who came together to share their experiences working with the vaccine. Alpha News provided a livestream of the event.

One of the nurses who spoke out said that her and her friends at other hospitals are “seeing more reactions with their patients post-vaccination than they’re seeing COVID patients.” This statement generated broad agreement from many of the other nurses who seem to have witnessed this same trend.

Meanwhile, this nurse said her and her associates are “laughed at for bringing it [the side effects] up … There’s such an insane sense of bullying going on that people aren’t even wanting to speak up.”

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