
Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Moving the Goalposts Once Again

 I'm sorry for how much I've blogged on the COVID's these past months.  It seems that the topic dominates about 75% of all conversations and news articles these days.  That being said, it would appear that Biden just moved the "vaccine" goalposts once again.  

Remember when we were told a few months ago that once we had 70% of the population "vaccinated" against the COVID's that we could all return to normal?  I think Biden said that as recently as early August.

Well, yesterday he updated that and now says that 97%-98% of the country needs the shot in order to get back to normal.  Right now there are about 25-30% who haven't gotten the shot.  And the pressure to make these folks get the shot is coming on strong.

He took questions from reporters during the vaccination and told them that he had “no side effects” after his first and second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. He also commented that the first lady will be getting a booster shot as well. Jill Biden’s press secretary Michael LaRosa told CNN on Monday that she had already received her booster shot at the White House.

Those who received the jab in January, February, or March are now allegedly eligible for the booster.

White House COVID response coordinator Jeff Zients claimed on Friday that the U.S. had secured enough supply for every American to receive a booster shot and that up to 20 million Americans had already hit the six-month mark and are eligible for the jab. Some estimates are as high as 60 million who are now eligible for the booster.

“We know that to beat this pandemic and to save lives … we need to get folks vaccinated,” Biden said during remarks before he received his booster shot. “So, please, please do the right thing. Please get these shots. It can save your life and it can save the lives of those around you.”

He is crowing over the “incredible progress” of the vaccine movement, claiming that over 182 million Americans are now fully vaccinated with Pfizer, Moderna, or one shot of Johnson & Johnson.

“The vast majority of Americans are doing the right thing. Over 77% of adults have gotten at least one shot. About 23% haven’t gotten any shots, and that distinct minority is causing an awful lot of us an awful lot of damage for the rest of the country,” Biden remarked.

“This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. That’s why I’m moving forward with vaccination requirements wherever I can,” he declared.

Some scientists, including at least two from the FDA, have stated that they weren’t entirely convinced every American who has received the Pfizer vaccine needed a booster shot at this time. They are calling the push for shots “premature,” according to CNBC.

As recently as early August, Biden had claimed that roughly 70 percent of Americans needed to be vaccinated to reach herd immunity. He seems to have significantly moved the goalposts once again.

Biden will travel to Chicago on Wednesday to push more employers to mandate COVID vaccinations for their employees.

Here;  Biden suggests 97 to 98 percent be vaxxed for normalcy, blasts minority causing ‘awful lot of damage’ (

If the "vaccine" is so vital and so effective in stopping COVID's then why aren't the 70% who got the shot happy to know that they will never get sick or die of the COVID's?  Why is there such a huge push to get 98% vaccinated?  Why are the vaccinated SOOOOO worried about the health choices of the unvaccinated?

There is something else going on here.

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