
Monday, September 27, 2021

Trouble Coming If You Use Wrong Pronouns

 In this new clown world that we suddenly find ourselves in, you can get in serious trouble if you use the wrong pronouns.  Does it look like a girl and talk like a girl?  Well don't assume it is a girl because she could identify as male and her pronouns are HE/HIM.  Got it?

Point Park University in Pennsylvania sent an email to its students threatening that they will face disciplinary action if they don't use their classmates’ preferred gender pronouns. 

“The Office of Equity and Inclusion would like to welcome in the 2021-2022 academic year with information on current policies that exist through our office and information regarding the Preferred Name Policy, instances of misgendering, pronoun misuse, and deadnaming (the use of a person’s legal ‘dead’ name instead of using the person’s chosen or preferred name), as well as resources on microaggressions and additional training,” the email reads, according to Campus Reform.

The policy states that “any individual who has been informed of another person’s gender identity, pronouns, or chosen name is expected to respect that individual.”The university’s Pronouns and Inclusive Language Guide says using “gender inclusive language” is needed to avoid causing “trans and gender non-conforming folks to feel isolated.”

“While the University recognizes the aspect of intent versus impact, we must recognize that regardless of the intent, if an individual is impacted in a harmful way, action could be taken if a complaint is filed,” the email adds.

Logan Dubil, a Campus Reform correspondent and a student at the university, told Fox News the policies “go against many students’ belief systems, especially conservative students.”


  I'm soooo glad I'm not a High School or college kid these days.  I can't even imagine trying to navigate the social media mine field or trying to follow all the WOKE rules at colleges run primarily by the Uber-Left.

Just another example of how Satan is deceiving the world, "Did God really say that he created them male and female?"

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