
Friday, October 8, 2021

3 Metrics to Gauge Whether We Are in the Very Last Days

 I love the words in the song from Chris Tomlin where he asks, "Do you feel the world is broken?" And the other singers respond, "We do."

It's hard to look around the world and see what's coming and to see America coming apart, but I love what Jan Markell asks, "How did you imagine the Last Days would look?"

Good point.  I still see people marrying and giving in marriage.  I still see people eating, drinking, planting and building.  I see most of the world as having no clue that Jesus could come like a thief in the night at any time.

"But Dennis, people have been saying 'Jesus is coming' for 2000 years now and he never comes, so just give it up."

Here are 3 things that have never happened since Jesus was here 2000 years ago.  And they are all happening at the exact same time.


Every Old Testament prophet except for Jonah predicted that Israel would become a nation again in the end times after a long period of time when the Jewish people were scattered all over the world with no homeland. This is exactly what happened on May 14, 1948. That was a kairos moment--an appointed date. In fact, one Old Testament prophet said that Israel would be "born in a day (Isaiah 66:8)." 

The prophecies that foretold Israel would be reborn all describe this super-sign event in the context of the end-times. Joel 3:1-2 even provides time clues, letting us know that when Israel would become a nation again, that would be in the same general time frame that all end-time events would take place.

Joel 3:1-2

"In those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will put them on trial for what they did to my inheritance, my people Israel, because they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land.

There are scores of specific details the Bible prophesied about Israel and the Jewish people both chronologically, and in terms of special specific appointed moments that were prophesied in Scripture. If you have never taken the time to study this aspect of the Bible, I highly recommend it. Your faith will be strengthened and your eyes will be opened like never before.

2. GLOBALISM (vs. National Sovereignty)

When most people hear the term globalism, they usually just think of the modern interconnectivity of global trade, commerce, travel, and culture. But what I'm referring to here is the widespread, specific, and intentional efforts of the world's most powerful influencers (international bankers, political leaders, and global-scale business leaders) to bring about a one-world government. 

Please fact check me on this. Do not take my word for it. Dig into the founding documents, websites, articles, and interviews of people in (and/or connected to) these organizations and initiatives and you will see that it is an established fact that they are trying (more now than ever) to bring about a one-world global government. 

It is important to note that this is not a left vs. right issue. Prominent people from both sides of the aisle are globalists.

The World Economic Forum

The Great Reset

The United Nations

The 2030 Agenda

The Council on Foreign Relations

The Trilateral Commission

The Council of the Americas

The Americas Society

The Forum of the Americas

The Institute for International Economics

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Those are what you might call open globalist groups and initiatives. There are many smaller entities that coordinate to assist the organizations and initiatives listed above. So, what does this have to do with eschatology? 

Well, the Bible teaches that after the rapture the chaos will quickly lead to a one-world government (see Daniel chapters 2 and 7; Revelation chapters 13, 17) which will install a single leader whom we commonly refer to as the antichrist. Don't let the familiarity of those terms and passages breed contempt or form caricatured notions in your mind. Look around you as you research the various globalist initiatives. 

In order for a one-world government to almost immediately form after the rapture--it is necessary that the plans and framework for such a thing must already be in place. And they are--along with all of the technology necessary to pull it off. These facts are out in the open for all who are willing to take a look. This explains why great lengths are currently being taken to weaken America's national sovereignty. 

Our country is quickly becoming a shell of its former self. This fact is sad but true--and it lines up with Scripture as you see further below. Thankfully, our true citizenship is in Heaven. We can draw comfort from that even as our heart breaks as we watch our once strong country weaken at an unprecedented rate.


I'll make this section as brief as I can, but if you have never studied it or heard about it before, you'll need to take some time to process the details. Ezekiel 38 and 39 contain the most detailed account of any end-time battle. I have written about it extensively in books and articles, so I'll keep it brief and high-level for the purposes of this article. Ezekiel 38 and 39 detail an end-time battle that will take place after the people of Israel are back in their homeland having been scattered and mistreated all over the world for a long period of time. Check. That part of the prophecy is fulfilled. 

After returning to their homeland and recovering from war (ie. WWII, Israel's War of Independence, The Six-Day War of 1966, the Yom Kippur War, etc.) and becoming militarily strong and financially secure (check/fulfilled), a group of nations that do not border Israel will be led by Russia, Iran, and Turkey to attack Israel specifically from her north--but Syria will not be one of them.

All of the nations listed are Islamic nations who currently want to destroy Israel--except for Russia who will be there leading the pack to take something valuable from Israel (oil, gas, natural resources, technology, et all). Russia will serve as a guard for the others, but the main partnership will be with Russia, Iran, and Turkey. This partnership is currently in place and Syria is merely a puppet state being run by those 3 nations.

On the opposite side of the equation, nobody will come to Israel's rescue (but God...and He will show up in a major way). Saudi Arabia, the gulf states, England, and "her young lions" (possibly America) will merely protest the invasion but will not come to Israel's aid in any meaningful way. 

If this attack were to occur today--this is exactly what would take place. The stage for this end-time confrontation is almost fully set. I believe it will be a power grab in the after math of the rapture. Even the recent horrific abandonment of the people (and billions of dollars of US military equipment) of Afghanistan further set the stage for Ezekiel 38.

The Convergence of Events

Those are 3 metrics we can keep an eye on with relative simplicity to see how close we are to the events of the tribulation--and keep in mind that the rapture will occur prior to the tribulation period. This unprecedented convergence of events (and there are dozens more) HAS NEVER BEFORE OCCURRED IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD. That should get our attention.

Before I close, I'd like you to read one more section of Scripture carefully and slowly and see if it does not describe our day exactly. These are specifically stated as end-time attributes. They have always been true in pockets and in seasons, but in our day these conditions are global and worsening--at the very same time everything else is converging.

In 2 Timothy 3:1-5 we read, "But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God--having a form of godliness but denying its power. "

Now For Some Good News

Lastly, some good news. God's appointed times are in His hands--and so is your life. You are here at this time on purpose and for a reason. We need not fear. I've been told that the Bible says 365 times not to fear--one for each day of the year, plus an extra one in case you need a spare! We can rest assured that God will act at the very time we are ready and his perfect timing has arrived. If you do not know Christ, now is the time to receive him as your savior. Don't wait. The massive convergence of specifically prophesied end-time events is upon us. Turn to Christ today. 


The scoffers are going to be louder and louder as The Day approaches.  But please remember that the First Advent was a very supernatural event.  The flood of Noah was a very supernatural event.  The creation of mankind was a very supernatural event.  And the rapture of the church will be a very supernatural event.

We believe that our God, Jesus, lives outside of time and he knows the beginning from the end and he will be coming for us!

Sing with me now, "Soon and very soon, we are going to see the King!"

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