
Thursday, October 28, 2021

Israel to Ban U.S. Tourists Unless They Get the Jab

 Pretty sad deal that’s happening here. Bible-believing followers of Christ make up the largest group of Americans who want to visit Israel. Those same folks are probably the least likely to have had the Covid jab.  This could lead to a major slow down in tourism travel for Israel. It could also decrease the physical number of Holy Spirit filled people whose very presence in Israel restrains  the forces of evil in the heavenly realms along with the spirit of the Antichrist.


Individuals who have recovered from COVID-19 in the last six months and wish to enter Israel under the government’s new tourism outline will not be allowed to unless they have a digital recovery certificate, government officials said on Thursday.

This means that US travelers, who do not have access to such documentation, will not be able to enter Israel. Only recovered patients from the around 40 countries who are participating in the European Union’s digital passport program will be recognized as recovered and meet the criteria for entry. 
This only applies to tourists who have not been vaccinated. A US tourist who had COVID but was also vaccinated with two shots - either before or after being sick - will be allowed into Israel, assuming that the second vaccine was given in the last six months. If longer, the tourist would need to receive a booster shot.

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