
Friday, October 15, 2021

“People Don’t Want to be the Police No More”

 The Democrats are cooking a very poisonous stew. They have stood by while “defund the police” has taken root. The insane idea that social workers are going to rush to the scene when some drunk dude is beating his woman to death and talk things over to calm the situation is SOOO delusional that the idea has to come from the Man of Lawlessness himself!  And then the MSM portrays police in a bad light by showing the bad apples over and over and making folks believe that police are running around shooting Sunday School teachers for no apparent reason...especially black ones!  Is it any wonder applications are plummeting for police forces around the country?  Who wants to get paid $50,000 to get shot at and know in the back of your mind if you make a bad decision YOU may end up in jail?  Is it a coincidence that DFL-run Chicago is the murder capital of the country and they are about to lose 1500 cops in next few months?  Just imagine what it will be like when the criminals realize no one is going to arrest them for anything.


The Chicago Police Department is expecting to lose more than 1,500 officers by the first of the year in a staffing crisis sparked by officers retiring and relocating in record numbers. Additionally, the open positions are becoming more difficult to fill as applications continue to plummet. 

According to CBS Chicago on Monday, Ald. Anthony Beale said the large number of retirements and officers moving to other stations are just the tip of the iceberg.

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