
Wednesday, October 20, 2021

The Carrot First and Then the Stick

 I love how the “experts” keep saying that there are no long-term problems with this vaccine. And yet none of us had even heard of Covid just 1 1/2 years ago!  And now we want to pump this shot into every living human on earth. Soon, I’m guessing, women won’t be able to take their newborns home from hospital without first giving their infants the jab.  As the article shows they will first offer a tasty treat to entice you to get jabbed.  After that they will beat you with a stick if you refused to eat your tasty treat.


ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — Minnesota will offer $200 gift cards and a shot at five $100,000 scholarships as incentives for students ages 12-17 to get vaccinated against COVID-19, Gov. Tim Walz announced Monday.

Young people who start and complete their vaccine series over the next six weeks will be eligible for the Visa gift cards. But all Minnesotans ages 12-17 who’ve completed their vaccine series anytime by mid-December are eligible for the scholarships, which will be good at any public or private nonprofit school in the state. The five drawings will be conducted weekly starting Nov. 15.

“We’re launching this program to help reward teens for doing their part by getting fully vaccinated and keeping our schools, community, and state safe,” Walz said in a statement.

Registration opens Nov. 9 on the state’s Give Kids a Shot website.

The state is trying to drive up vaccination rates among adolescents, who are the state’s least-vaccinated but eligible age group. Only 50% of Minnesotans ages 12-15 and fewer than 60% of those ages 16-17 are fully vaccinated. But the coronavirus is spreading fastest in Minnesota among young people. The federal government is preparing to authorize vaccines for children as young as 5.

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