
Sunday, October 10, 2021

U.S. on Pace to Exceed Record Number of Disasters in 2021

The Bible reminds us that the earth is groaning for its redemption. It also suffers under the weight of sin. And with 7.5 billion sinners walking around, that’s a lot of sin. Anthropologists tell us the population of the entire planet 2000 years ago was about 200 million. Now do the math to determine the percentage increase. We have blogged for years about “the worst storm ever, the worst drought ever, the most ice ever, the hottest ever.”  The extremes should also be pointing us to the birth pangs of the coming Messiah.


As of Oct. 8, 18 billion-dollar disasters have occurred in the United States in 2021, with the country on pace to surpass 2020, which saw a record high of 22 billion-dollar disasters, according to a new report released Friday by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

In 2021, the cost of disasters in the country has already exceeded the economic cost of all of 2020's disasters. Weather and climate disasters have not only killed 538 people thus far this year, but they have also cost the U.S. $104.8 billion in damages. Of the 18 disasters, one was a drought, two were flooding events, nine were severe weather events, four were tropical cyclones, one was a wildfire and one was a winter storm.

In 2020, the 22 billion-dollar weather and climate disasters in the U.S. cost just under $100 billion in damages, according to NOAA

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