
Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Are UFO Disclosures Setting Us Up for Mass Deception?

I feel like I missed this headline from earlier this year because I don’t remember seeing it, but better late than never.  Here’s just one other author that has noticed that the government is no longer denying that there are intelligent beings flying advanced vehicles into our atmosphere. Bible readers know them as demons/fallen angels/strange flesh, but for the rest of the world they will be totally deceived by them. We believe that they won’t land at the White House and give a press conference on the lawn until after the rapture.  So this would be just one more converging sign that should point us to the nearness of that day.  Maranatha!


There is so much speculation about these beings, and it can be very difficult to separate truth from fiction.

But as the number of sightings continues to rise, it is becoming clear that something very strange really is happening in our skies.

And after decades of very strict secrecy, the U.S. government is now openly admitting that UFOs exist.

Many people are looking forward to the day when we can openly welcome direct contact with our “space brothers”, but I do not believe that these are “friendly aliens from another planet”.

In fact, they are not our friends at all.

Unfortunately, our entertainment industry has spent decades preparing the general public to embrace visitors from “another world”, and I expect that is precisely what would happen.

We are moving into such a chaotic chapter in human history, and a time may come when intervention by “aliens” will be greatly welcomed by a human race that is deeply suffering.

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