
Thursday, November 11, 2021

Jews Are Prepped for Mark of the Beast

We read that Israel is the most vaccinated country on earth. And after reading this article about the Jews in America it would seem they are jumping up with excitement and throwing parties to get their kids vaccinated ASAP.  We find it interesting that while Jews are getting vaccinated at high rates, Bible believing gentiles make up a large part of the “vaccine hesitant” crowd.  We aren’t sure exactly what that means, but we wonder if it has something to do with the fact that the Jews will accept Antichrist as their messiah and be more than willing to be the first in line to take the “new and exciting mark that will allow us all into the New World Order”?


I had this idea six months ago — that our JCC would be quick out of the gate not only to get children in Washington D.C. vaccinated as soon as there was CDC approval to do so, but also to seize this as a moment to celebrate: DJ, Hula-Hoop contests, photobooth, sweet treats, food trucks and a whole lot of hoopla. After all, this was bound to be quite the momentous event, one we’ve been waiting on for what feels like forever.

Beyond wanting to reduce barriers to vaccination, the other motivating force behind our vaccination pop-ups was some initial hesitancy I was hearing from parents (who themselves were vaccinated), who wondered or worried about being early in line to take this step for their children. I was hopeful that the joy of these communal parties would generate enough positive momentum to inspire people to sign on early and get their children vaccinated. I never expected that we would have an impact on those who were squarely in the “anti-vax” camp, but hoped that we could sway those watching from the sidelines to “see if it was really safe.” And, I want to believe that each of the 400+ social media posts with their children’s newly vaccinated arms proudly on display and their “I GOT VAXXED @ THE EDCJCC” stickers will continue to generate momentum, confidence and readiness for others to get their children quickly in line at their upcoming school pop-up events, at their local pharmacy or in their pediatrician’s office.

The day was perfect. The sun was shining. Our supply of vaccines arrived with less than 24 hours to spare (phew!). The DJ did a quiet 8:30 a.m. soundcheck (careful not to wake our neighbors) and the families started rolling in. A team of five pharmacists and nurses vaccinated 55 children per hour. And close to 40 volunteers were at our side throughout the day to ensure that everything went smoothly: presenting cake pops to each newly vaccinated child, hula-hooping to distract the ones who needed something else to focus on before the needle went in their arms, passing out bubble-wands and popcorn — each extra touch that made this a day to remember. The entire event took place outside, in our parking lot, and at the end of the day, 400 children received their first dose of the vaccine. We’re expecting all (or most) to come back in three weeks for their second dose.

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