
Saturday, November 13, 2021

The Nephilim; Seed of Satan

Here is a great article for anyone who enjoys pondering the topic of the Nephilim found in Genesis 6.  They were the reason for the flood and lots of folks believe they will be returning in the last days running up to the 2nd advent of Jesus.  "As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man."

It's a very supernatural story about fallen angels impregnating women and making some giant, hybrid beings.  They almost overran the world during the days of Noah.  Noah and his sons were "pure in their generation", meaning they hadn't been tainted by the fallen seed.  God preserved them by destroying everyone around them, all of which had been infected.

It's a long article but well worth the read if the topic interests you.  I  don't believe I have EVER heard a sermon on the topic.  Whenever most pastors get to preaching about Noah's flood they leave out the part about the Nephilim.  They simply don't want to address it because most don't know what to say about it.

 (PDF) The Nephilim and Rephaim: Satan’s Seed from Creation and Emergence in the Great Tribulation | Susan L . Schmidt -

Hat tip to Aaron J.

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