
Wednesday, December 8, 2021

America Splitting Into Two Camps That Hate Each Other

 We have wondered for some years now how long the Union of America can survive?  How long can the folks of South Dakota co-exist with their liberal neighbors mostly found around the Twin Cities?  How long can all the conservatives in outstate Minnesota co-exist with the liberals around the Twin Cities who outnumber them about 2 to 1?  How long can the conservatives of Northern California continue to live with the deluded people of Southern California?

We are rapidly becoming two very different nations with two very different cultures.  At one time we truly were the "United" States of America, but now we have been split into two opposing camps that deeply hate one another.  

As a result, in recent years we have watched millions of Americans relocate for ideological reasons.  This has caused "red states" to become even redder and "blue states" to become even bluer.  

At this point, there are just a handful of "purple states", and it is in those states where our presidential elections are determined.  It is really not healthy for just a few states like Pennsylvania and Michigan to have such power, but that is a topic for another article.  

In this article, I want to discuss why the mass exodus from blue states to red states is actually going to accelerate in 2022.

Right now, there is no issue in the United States that is more divisive than the COVID vaccine.

Most conservatives want to be able to have the freedom to choose whether to take the injections or not, while many on the left want to use the power of government to compel people to get injected.

It has truly been frightening to watch many on the left embrace authoritarianism so eagerly, and many leftist politicians just continue to tighten down the screws.

For example, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio just decided to impose a very strict vaccine mandate on all private employers in his entire city...

Mayor Bill de Blasio announced what he called a first-in-the-nation vaccine mandate for private companies Monday.

He said the combination of the Omicron variant and holiday gatherings forced him to take "bold" steps. He's giving businesses just three weeks to make sure their workers are vaccinated.

If you don't get the jab, you won't be allowed to keep your job.

There will not be a "testing option" under this new mandate, and so anyone that refuses to comply will be kicked to the curb two days after Christmas...

De Blasio said the city will release specific rules on Dec. 15, before the mandate takes effect Dec. 27. He said it will apply to in-person employees, but would not provide any details about enforcement. He also said there will not be a weekly testing option.

Here in the U.S., countless numbers of freedom-loving Americans are fleeing to red states as they seek to escape the oppression that they have been experiencing in blue states.

Unfortunately, blue state tyrants have no intention of backing down, and this is going to create a tremendous amount of tension in our nation as we head into 2022 and beyond.

When you look at the families broken by divorce, when you look at the 6% of Americans who have a Biblical worldview, when you understand the drug culture that has taken over our youth and is feeding our kids to Satan, when you understand our public school system that is run by folks from the ground up who believe that liberalism is the ONLY way to educate kids, it's hard to understand how America can stand much longer.

It would seem that Red and Blue are dividing and I'm not sure how that can happen without bloodshed happening along skirmish lines between folks who hate each other.

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