
Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Rumors of Imminent Wars on Numerous Fronts

 Let's count the wars that could break out at any moment;

China vs. Taiwan

Russia vs. Ukraine

Israel vs. Iran

All of these could be a really big deal for America, especially China vs. Taiwan since we have promised to defend Taiwan if China invades.

China's military "will heavily attack U.S. troops who come to Taiwan's rescue" if a war between China and Taiwan breaks out, a possibility that is increasingly likely as the Communist regime readies its war machine on Taiwan's borders.

The latest threat to attack the United States during any standoff between China and Taiwan was issued Thursday in the Global Times, an official Chinese Communist Party mouthpiece that prints the regime's propaganda. "It is credible that the [People's Liberation Army] will heavily attack U.S. troops who come to Taiwan's rescue," the paper wrote. "Such credibility is increasingly overwhelming the deterrence that U.S. troops may have."

Here;  China Vows To Open Fire on US Troops That Come to Taiwan’s Aid (

Russia Warns of Full-Scale War in Eastern Ukraine, Blames Kyiv

The buildup of Russian troops on the border and escalating rhetoric threaten to derail efforts to reach a peaceful settlement

Here;  Russia Warns of Full-Scale War in Eastern Ukraine, Blames Kyiv - WSJ

Russia said on Monday that it may deploy nuclear missiles in Europe because it claims NATO is doing the same.

Last week, Biden told reporters that putting U.S. troops on the ground was “not on the table.”

“The idea the United States is going to unilaterally use force to confront Russia from invading Ukraine is not on — in the cards right now,” Biden reiterated.

Biden held a video call with Russian President Vladimir Putin last week and said, “I made it very clear: If, in fact, he invades Ukraine, there will be severe consequences — severe consequences — and economic consequences like none he’s ever seen or ever have been seen, in terms of being imposed.”

The Group of Seven (G7) coalition consisting of the U.S., U.K., Canada, Germany, France, Italy, and Japan also released a joint statement on Sunday warning Russia of “massive consequences and severe cost” if it continued military aggression against Ukraine.

Here;  Russia threatens to deploy nukes in Europe | American Military News

Defense Minister Benny Gantz said Friday that he notified US officials during meetings this week in Washington that he had instructed the Israel Defense Forces to prepare for a strike against Iran.

In a briefing with reporters on the sidelines of the Israeli American Council’s national summit in Florida, Gantz said the order he gave was to “prepare for the Iranian challenge at the operational level.”

A senior defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity, indicated that Gantz had presented a timeline for when such an attack might take place during his meetings with US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Secretary of State Antony Blinken, but the source did not specify further.

Here;  Gantz: I told the US I've ordered the IDF to prepare a strike against Iran | The Times of Israel

Let's remember as well that Israel has continued to launch attacks into Damascus to stop chemical weapons from being re-developed.  So Isaiah 17 is still very much on the horizon.  And also, we have blogged about it for years but Ezekiel 38 continues to move forward with Russia, Iran, Turkey, Sudan, and other Muslim nations joining the coalition.

All of this news should remind followers of Christ the rapture of the church has always been imminent.  There are no signs that point to the rapture but there are plenty of signs that point to the Great Tribulation...and the rapture happens before that.  

Even so, Come Lord Jesus!

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