
Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Dark Outlook by Americans for America

 The mood in America seems to be going dark.  Most of us can see the massive divide between GOP and DFL and realize that nothing is going to get done because these folks quite obviously can't stand each other.  We can see the divide between terrified mask wearers on the Liberal side vs. the "I refuse to live my life in terror" attitude of those on the conservative side.  We can see employers who are "woke" firing employees who refuse to be vaccinated.  Further we can see those same employers denying the science of natural immunity by allowing Covid-recovered employees to keep their jobs.  We have the Liberals who believe that if the folks in Mexico aren't happy they should be allowed to walk into America and start gathering at the public trough.  We see Liberals who want to see an I.D. and a PROOF OF VACCINE card in order to get into any sporting event or restaurant but FREAK OUT if Conservatives suggest that people show an I.D. in order to cast a vote.  And Joe Biden did NOTHING to bring people together.  He's making it worse.

Between a senile teleprompter president who recently admitted he can't in fact 'shut down' Covid as promised, rampant inflation causing real wages to stagnate, and ongoing division over everything from election integrity to pandemic mandates to what's being taught in schools, Americans have become extremely sour on the future - less than 10 months before midterm elections.

"Downhill, divided, doubting democracy, falling behind, and tuning out — this is how Americans are feeling as they're heading into 2022," said Democratic pollster Jeff Horwitt of Hart Research Associates, who conducted the survey with conservative pollster Bill McInturff of Public Opinion Strategies.

The poll has "President Joe Biden's approval ratings remaining in the low 40s, Republicans holding a double-digit edge in enthusiasm and key Democratic groups losing interest in the upcoming election."

On the economy, while job creation is up and the unemployment rate is down, 61 percent of respondents in the poll say their family’s income is falling behind the cost of living.

That’s compared with 30 percent who say they’re staying about even and 7 percent who say their income is going up faster than the cost of living. -NBC News

When it comes to national policies - 70% say America is so polarized that it can no longer solve major issues - and that the division will only continue to grow. 27% on the other hand feel that America always overcomes its differences to solve the greatest challenges. In 2010, 50% of those polled said America 'always comes together,' and 45% said political differences would continue to grow.

The timing couldn't be worse for Democrats - who have fewer than 300 days until the November midterm elections. While 47% of those polled by NBC say they prefer a Democratic-controlled congress, one should keep in mind that 47% of those polled voted also voted for Biden, while 44% voted for Trump.

Republicans enjoy a double-digit advance on enthusiasm ahead of November’s elections, with 61 percent of Republicans saying they are very interested in the upcoming midterms — registering their interest either as a 9 or 10 on a 10-point scale — compared with 47 percent of Democrats who say the same.

In previous midterm cycles — whether 2006, 2010, 2014 or 2018 — the party that held a double-digit advantage in enthusiasm ended up making substantial gains.

Additionally, overall enthusiasm for the upcoming midterms is down from 59 percent who indicated a high level of interest in October, to 51 percent in this most recent poll.

And some of the biggest drops have come from key segments of the Democratic base, including Black voters, young voters and urban voters. -NBC News

Here;  "Dark Outlook": Dismal NBC Poll Reveals Most Americans Think Country Going "Downhill" And Is "Lost" | ZeroHedge

The real problem confronting America is the huge move away from FEARING THE LORD.  Without the fear of the Lord their is no wisdom, no discernment, no common sense and no joy.  Happiness comes and goes based on what happened to you 5 minutes ago, but the joy of the Lord comes when you surrender you life to Christ and start focusing on heavenly things instead of earthly things.  Then you can be joyful even when circumstances all around you have gone to crap because we know this earth is not our home.  Soon and very soon we are going to see the King.

"The joy of the Lord is my strength".

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