
Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Drag Queens Come to a Lutheran Church Near You!

 The ELCA Lutherans, the denomination in which I was raised, continues it's collapsing slide into blasphemy and hopefully, soon, irrelevance.  Thankfully they are losing members so fast that even their own statisticians realize the ELCA will vanish in next few decades if "changes aren't made."

Sadly it would seem they have been caught up in the "woke" revolution and are suffering from great delusion already.  They are incapable of seeing that they are doubling down on the very issues that caused their rapid collapse in the first place.  They are now full force into apostasy.  What they think is wonderful tolerance is actually displeasing to God who would NEVER contradict His own words.  The ELCA is now filled with practicing gay and lesbian pastors.  They have a bishop who is a cross dressing man who overseas the Northwest Conference of over 200 churches.

And today we read this about drag queens in the ELCA

Pastor Aaron Musser of St. Luke's Lutheran Church of Logan Square in Chicago recently dressed in full drag for the Sunday service, wearing a long white dress emblazoned with a golden cross on its chest, a long blonde wig, and full makeup in order to lead the children's message.

The pastor began the message by calling the children up to the front to sit with him and asked if they'd ever seen a drag queen before.

The kids responded in the negative.

"I have an awesome story to share with you today," Musser said. "I am also a boy most of the time when I'm here, but today, I'm a girl."

His message to the children was clearly not your typical children's Bible story, but an agenda to indoctrinate vulnerable children with his Queer Theology.

Musser's actions while shocking to some are part of a long established trend of LGBT activists that have infiltrated the church, including it's leadership.

At the forefront of this push has been the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) which has taken more steps to promote Queer & Progressive Theology than possibly any other denomination.  

In September of last year it appointed it's first openly transgender bishop, The Rev. Megan Rohrer to lead one of the church's synods, which means she will have direct leadership over 200 congregations.

With her appointment it was announced that the bishop should be addressed with the pronouns "they/their".

Rohr was the first transgender person to be ordained by the ELCA in 2006 and now makes "history", the pro-LGBT group Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries said. "We anticipate the day when all queer ministry leaders will be called to ministry settings without hindrance or barrier and will be affirmed in their God-given calls".

According to this group, there are already over 400 queer ministers in the ELCA at this point.

The ELCA is known for its strong theological shift in the last 15 years towards an "inclusive" theology, except when it comes to Israel.

Last year the Danish Bible Society, which is also run by the Evangelical Lutheran Church, came under heavy fire for the Danish "translation" of the Bible that virtually wipes out "Israel" from the New Testament.

In the Greek New Testament, the word "Israel" occurs more than 60 times. However, it is found only once in the new Danish version called Bibelen 2020. That's right, just once. And that one occurrence is a direct quote from an Old Testament verse. Otherwise, "Israel" is gone.

The reason for this, the society argues, is that Christian readers must not connect "Israel" in the New Testament with the nation of Israel today.  The ELCA has long promoted the idea of "replacement theology", also called supersessionism, which essentially teaches that the church has replaced Israel in God's plan. Adherents of replacement theology believe the Jews are no longer God's chosen people, and God does not have specific future plans for the nation of Israel.

Here;  Drag Queen Story Hour For Children Comes To Church (

As I see the photos in this article and think of the woke parents sending their scared and confused kids forward into this dude's lap for "the children's sermon", I can't help but think about what Jesus said.  He told us that people who harm little kids and prevent them from coming to Him would have been better off with a millstone around their necks at the bottom of the sea so THEY COULDN'T HAVE HARMED THE KIDS IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Lord please help us to stay faithful to the entire Word of God until you return for us.  I pray that WE won't fall into blasphemy and error in our churches as the world and it's ways keep coming through our doors.  Pray that WE affect them and that THEY don't infect us.

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