
Friday, January 7, 2022

Platonic Life Partnership

 Ok friends, we have another term that we all need to learn if we are going to stay "woke".  Platonic Life Partnership.

April Lexi Lee and Renee Wong have been best friends since they were 12. After supporting each other through the highs and lows of life, school and boyfriends, they took their relationship to the next level by becoming platonic life partners.

When Lee, 24, moved from Singapore to Los Angeles for college, the best friends became long-distance but remained emotionally strong. And as the pandemic hit and they both graduated, they felt this "gravitation" towards each other.

"We work so well together. We're such great partners and support each other and love each other so much. We never see each other leaving each other," Lee explains, recounting their train-of-thought. "So why is this not a stable foundation to start life and start a family and all those things? Why is that not as stable, even more stable, than a traditional, romantic marriage?"

Then it clicked. Wong moved to the United States to become Lee's platonic life partner.

"I wasn't even interested in marriage to begin with, neither of us were," Lee says. "But then with each other, we suddenly saw the future and we were like, 'This fits. I would do this with you.' "

She describes the partnership as "a deep platonic love and also a commitment to each other, like marriage, where we are trying to build the next step for our lives together." This includes things that "typically married couples would do" like starting a family and having a joint bank account to achieve their goals of buying a house and more.

Here;  What is a platonic life partnership? These couples are breaking societal relationship norms (

You see, it's like marriage, but evidently without the sex or the one man and one woman part that God ordained.  So the above girls aren't lesbians. so they don't want to be wife and wife.  Instead they are just awesome friends who want to live together forever and have joint bank accounts, mortgages and even raise kids together!  So guessing they could adopt or one or both be impregnated by a sperm donor.  Wait...does sperm come from men or can women donate it too?

It's all so confusing, but please try and keep up because you may soon be getting an invitation to a shower or ceremony to celebrate a new Platonic Life Partner event.

One other question, why can't they just get married like lesbians do?    Do they want the world to know that they aren't having sex like lesbians?  Isn't that homophobic?

Next up will be that one of the Platonic Life Partners falls in love with a man.  They will then want to be married but he will be invited into mix with the two women!  Then they can become a throuple!

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