
Thursday, January 27, 2022

Skull of a Giant Found in China

 After looking at the evidence already found on earth and comparing it with what Genesis 6 has said all along, we are convinced that giant humanoids were roaming the earth before the flood of Noah.  The Bible says they appeared on earth after the flood too.  We have posted the hundreds of newspaper articles found in American papers from the 1800's and early 1900's when farmers would discover giant skeletons buried in mounds on their property.  But somehow all those skeletons were "lost" when they were shipped to the Smithsonian.  Could it be that Satan didn't want this evidence to come out because it would lead people to reject evolution and may convince many to believe the Genesis account?  Of course we already know that the secret power of Satan is very much alive and well on planet earth because he is the Prince of the Earth.

Today we find more evidence of giants.  And already the scientists are clamoring to explain it away because it doesn't meet their evolution narrative.

Truth is often stranger than fiction, and some people will never accept the truth no matter how much evidence you show them.  In this article, I am going to discuss two brand new discoveries that are radically shaking up how scientists view human history.  Many of the experts are having a really tough time explaining these new discoveries, because they seem to directly contradict long established narratives that have been taught as “truth” to young students for decades.  Unfortunately, we live at a time when narratives have become more important than facts, and scientific authorities have shown that they will go to great lengths to ensure that their most important narratives are carefully preserved.

Last week, news that a “new species of ancient human” had been identified in China made headlines all over the globe.  According to CBS News, the fossilized skull that has created such a fuss is “gigantic”…

A gigantic fossilized skull that was hidden in a well in China for 90 years has just been discovered by scientists — and it’s making them rethink human evolution.

The skull was originally found in 1933 by Chinese laborers building a bridge in Harbin, a northern Chinese city, during the Japanese occupation, researchers said. To prevent the skull from falling into Japanese hands, it was wrapped and hidden in an abandoned well. It was only rediscovered in 2018 when the old man who originally hid it told his grandson, shortly before his death.

In order to support a “gigantic fossilized skull”, a body that is also “gigantic” in size would be required.

In other words, what has been discovered in China is the skull of a giant, but nobody in the scientific community would ever dare to use that sort of terminology.

After all, certain narratives must be maintained at all costs.

But the skull is what it is.  We are being told that it is “massive” and that it is “significantly larger than the modern human skull”…

One of the most remarkable aspects of the Harbin cranium is its massive size, which, at 9 inches long and more than 6 inches wide, is significantly larger than the modern human skull.

Unfortunately, most news outlets in the United States are carefully avoiding any discussion about what the rest of the body of this creature must have looked like everyone though one paleoanthropologist is openly admitting that “the massive head should match a height higher than the average of modern humans”…

The researchers believe the skull belonged to a male, about 50 years old, who would have been an impressive physical specimen. His wide, bulbous nose allowed him to breathe huge volumes of air, indicating a high-energy lifestyle, while sheer size would have helped him withstand the brutally cold winters in the region. “Homo longi is heavily built, very robust,” said Prof Xijun Ni, a paleoanthropologist at Hebei. “It is hard to estimate the height, but the massive head should match a height higher than the average of modern humans.”

It only makes sense that a “gigantic” head should go with an equally “gigantic” body, but the scientific community will never, ever come out and tell us that evidence of “giants” has been found.

Here; They Refuse To Believe The Truth Even When It Is Right In Front Of Their Eyes ( 

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