
Monday, January 3, 2022

Stop Listening to "the Pillow Guy"

 I'm pretty sure most of my readers know we are living in strange and even dangerous times.  Ours is the first society to live with social media and most of our abilities to discern truth from lies.  At anytime we can turn on Google and find countless articles to support the "fact" that Covid is a pandemic that is worthy of shutdowns and vaccines.  Next we can find countless articles to support the "fact" that Covid is a "plandemic" laid out by the globalists to subjugate us all!  So how is a dork from Buffalo, MN supposed to KNOW what is really happening?  Certainly we are living in the Age of Deception.

I have no doubt that "the pillow guy", Mike Lindell, believes in his heart that the election was stolen from Donald Trump.  He has invested millions of dollars trying to lay out what he has found and convince millions of Americans of the danger that is facing us.

At the same time, we have this retired general waring America that there are members in the armed forces who need to be purged before the next election because if Trump doesn't win in 2024 then a coup could be in the works.

One of the Trump-obsessed former generals who recently penned an op-ed calling for the military to purge those accused of wrongthink has doubled down on his divisive rhetoric, telling a CNN host that it’s vital to “get them out of our ranks.”

Speaking with weekend anchor Pamela Brown early Saturday morning, retired U.S. Army Brigadier Gen. Steven M. Anderson equated these dissenting military members with “enemies foreign and domestic.”

“[Y]ou know, 43 years ago I took an oath to the country that I would support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic,” he said.

“And my co-authors and I and [the] VoteVets Organization we work with closely are — we’re tremendously concerned about the threat internally, the threat domestically, within the military in particular,” Anderson added, referencing the other two retired generals with whom he’d written the op-ed for The Washington Post.

Asked by Brown to explain why these dissenters worry him and his allies so much, Anderson brought up the Jan. 6th riot at the U.S. Capitol.

“Well, if you look at the extremism that has gone on within the military, you look at those that were active in the actual assault on the Capitol, over 10 percent had a military background. We all saw the pictures of the guys with the zip ties and the helmets and marching in formations into that throng,” he said.

“You know, there’s a threat within. We’ve got people that haven’t been educated. They haven’t been found out and they’ve grown in power, through perhaps inaction on the parts of some of our key leaders.”

And so, he continued, these dissenters must be purged one way or another.

“And we need to do what we can do now to identify those people, get them out of our ranks and train the rest of the force on Civics 101, about how our country is supposed to work, how elections work. Stop listening to the pillow guy and start learning about our country and how it’s actually supposed to run,” Anderson explained.

Here;  'Stop listening to the pillow guy': Retired general says 'ignorant' pro-Trump troops pose ‘threat within,’ must be removed (

Dangerous times for sure, when you start talking about purging members of the military for what they way or another.

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