
Tuesday, January 18, 2022

The Serpent Mound in Ohio

Many of my long-time readers know that the story of Genesis 6 and the Nephilim retains a chunk of my thinking processes.  You can read hundreds of old newspaper articles from all over the country of farmers digging up mounds in Ohio, Wisconsin, and all over the midwest and discovering skeletons of very large size.  The skeletons were reportedly shipped to The Smithsonian from all over the country and they have vanished.  It seems that 8-9 foot tall men didn't meet their evolutionary ideas and the "Prince of the Earth" put it in someone's mind to deep-six the entire story.

But the truth always has a way of coming out!

The Serpent Mound is one of the most intriguing sites I have ever visited while being on the trail. It is situated in Peebles, Ohio, and is about a three-hour drive from the Newark Earthworks, where we held the Nephilim Mounds Conferences, for several years. The site is located high on a cliff and overlooks a river below. 

There is an effigy of a serpent whose body coils and winds its way over the flat terrain, ending with its mouth wide open. It appears to be swallowing an egg directly in front of it. I have a small pamphlet from 1924, given to me by a fellow watchman and it states this about the Serpent Mound; 

“The effigy was first described by Squire and Davis, pioneers in American archaeology, in 1848. When these men made their survey and gave to the world the first description of this wonderful earth-work it was then covered with a dense forest and therefore in an excellent state of preservation. Its size, form and outline were well remembered by the older citizens residing in the vicinity, and its later restoration, where its form had been slightly disturbed in many places, was readily and accurately made.” 

There have been many people who have posited what the Serpent Mound means, why it was constructed, and of course who went through the trouble to construct it in the first place. Among modern-day archaeologists, there is much debate as to its age. Some put it around 1,000 years old, while others insist it might be 3,000 years old, or perhaps even older. 

Recently, the Shoshone Tribe attempted to set the record straight as to who built the serpent effigy, insisting that Native Americans built it, but what proof do they have? We are also told that skeletons were exhumed from large mounds that are around the site, but as usual, the skeletons have gone missing, so we have no idea of how tall the skeletons were, or if they were Native American, or something else entirely. 

One line in the 1924 pamphlet tells us that an adult male of six feet in height was removed from the burial mound, which is tall for a Native American, but certainly not something out of the ordinary. 

Catalina Island is about 26 miles offshore from the city of Los Angeles, California, out in the Pacific Ocean. My work there has shown that large skeletons were exhumed from the island, just shy of nine feet in height.

My discovery was made in 2014 and published in my book, On the Trail of the Nephilim II. It was further highlighted on the History Channel’s season finale episode of, In Search of the Lost Giants, where I was able to present my findings along with the analysis of the photograph I discovered hidden away in the archives, never to see the light of day! 

Chief Joseph Riverwind has stated, to the best of his knowledge, Native American cultures did not create the enormous Great Circle Mound that we see in Newark, Ohio or the Serpent Mound. So if that is true it creates even more of a mystery. 

We know from the Bible that around 3,500 years ago, Joshua and Caleb along with the children of Israel began the conquest of Canaan. We know that a mandate was given by God to destroy everyone in the land—men, women, children, and animals; and to burn everything. 

The Israelites were to take nothing, no spoil. This is genocide and in fact, this is the exact chapter and verses that evolutionist, Richard Dawkins, uses to promulgate the idea that the God of the Old Testament is a genocidal, homicidal, blood-thirsty, capricious maniac! 

He sounds right until we factor in the Nephilim! 

We know from the Biblical account that the Nephilim were in the land. The Nephilim were the progeny of fallen angels and the women of Earth. We read about this in Genesis 6, and while this is a controversial passage, I believe it may be the key to understanding Biblical prophecy. In other words— if we don’t understand Genesis 3:15 which tells us emphatically,“Your seed will be at enmity with the seed of the woman. He shall crush your head and you will bruise his heel,” then how are we to come to grips with who the antichrist is? Is he the seed of the serpent? 

The quote above is from the Most High God and is directed at the serpent whose seed will be at enmity— war—with the seed of the woman. We know that the seed of the woman eventually becomes Messiah, but what of the seed of the serpent? Has it yet to manifest, or has it already done so? 

The answer, of course, is found a few chapters later in Genesis 6, where we read about the Sons of God marrying the daughters of men. This is the eruption of the serpent seed and it manifests in the progeny known as the Nephilim. 

The Biblical narrative further states:“The Nephilim were on the earth in those days and also afterwards when the sons of god saw the daughters of men and took wives and went into them.”  

The Serpent Mound: A New Paradigm - The Prophecy Watchers

The Gospel in America is dying out.  Kids aren't interested in hearing that Jesus loves them.  They've been told from the time they could move that they are awesome and incredible no matter WHAT they do or don't do!  Who needs another dude loving them when they are already super awesome??

When was the last time YOU heard a sermon on the Nephilim?  What if it could be an easily proven fact that the seed of Satan has waged a war on the seed of man since Genesis 3??  The flood was God's answer to destroying the seed of Satan for a little while.  Noah was perfect in his generation, meaning he had pure DNA that hadn't been defiled by his mother being impregnated by some seed from a demon.

"Oh Dennis!!  That's crazy talk!  No one in the church pews of America would EVER believe that!!"

Really?  But they ARE willing to believe that in invisible God impregnated a virgin and he died on a  cross but came to life after 3 days??  And that angels are hovering around everywhere waiting to intervene on God's command?  And that believing in one man's death and resurrection will help you shed this body and put on new flesh when Jesus blows a trumpet and gathers us into the clouds??  THAT STORY YOU CAN BELIEVE BUT NOT THE NEPHILIM???

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