
Thursday, February 3, 2022

College Kids Triggered by Free Speech Events on Campus

  The poor college kids!  The trauma of having to listen to an opinion that is different than yours!  How do you deal with these feelings that are so hard to describe but yet so damaging to your idea of self and well being!  Who is there to help?  Where is the safe space for me to heal?

Students at Colorado State University who have been traumatized by free speech events held on campus now have 17 different counseling resources to help them cope.

The future of America, ladies and gentlemen...

"If you (or someone you know) are affected by a free speech event on campus, here are some resources," reads a sign posted to Instagram by Turning Point USA Rockies.

Here;  Colorado State Snowflakes Melt Down Over 'Free Speech' Events, Offered Trauma Counseling | ZeroHedge

We thought college WAS the place you went to hear different ideas, different thought processes and then learned how to critically think?  Evidently the Left has some different ideas about free speech.  They will bully, swear, tear down tables and then pout off to a counselor or 'safe-space' if someone comes into their bubble and dares to give them another idea.

We all know where a lack of free speech ends up taking us.

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