
Sunday, February 6, 2022

Famine Coming Like “We’ve Never Seen”

We did a blog post a few weeks ago about how fertilizer cost $425/ton last year but this year is $1650/ton. And of course millions of tons are used on farm fields around the world every year.  What will happen when farmers around the world can’t afford fertilizer?  Crop yields will plummet and here in America a box of Cheerios could cost $8 instead of $4.  Ethanol will prove too expensive to blend into our gasoline.  But in 3rd world countries who already spend 50% of their money on food, these lower yields could push tens of millions into starvation.

There WILL BE famines.


 “I want to say this loud and clear right now, that we risk a very low crop in the next harvest,” said Svein Tore Holsether, the CEO and president of the Oslo-based company. “I’m afraid we’re going to have a food crisis.”

Holsether says that a food crisis is coming because the cost to produce a ton of ammonia has gotten nearly ten times higher

In Europe, the natural-gas benchmark hit an all-time high in September, with the price more than tripling from June to October alone. Yara is a major producer of ammonia, a key ingredient in synthetic fertilizer, which increases crop yields. The process of creating ammonia currently relies on hydropower or natural gas.

“To produce a ton of ammonia last summer was $110,” said Holsether. “And now it’s $1,000. So it’s just incredible.” Sadly, most people don’t even realize that this is happening, because the mainstream media is not really talking about it.


Eventually, however, everyone will be talking about this crisis because it is going to be a really, really big deal.

There is no way out, and global food supplies are going to get tighter and tighter.

I would act on this information while you still can.  Unfortunately, the vast majority of the population is going to be absolutely blindsided by what is coming.

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