
Thursday, February 24, 2022

Israeli Airstrikes in Damascus

 Please remember that Isaiah 17 is still on the table and has yet to be fulfilled.  We know it will happen in the VERY Last Days but don't know if it will happen before the rapture or right after it.  But certainly we are seeing the foreshadowing of the soon fulfillment of this 2800 year old prophecy.

An alleged Israeli airstrike targeted sites near Damascus on Wednesday night, according to Syrian state news agency SANA.

Three Syrian soldiers were killed and material damage was caused by the strikes, according to SANA.

According to the Syrian Capital Voice site, the strikes targeted an air defense battery in al-Kiswah and an Iranian weapons shipment at the Damascus International Airport.

A Syrian air defense missile fell on the road leading to the Damascus International Airport, according to the Capital Voice.

The opposition-affiliated Halab Today TV reported that the strike resulted in seven deaths and 12 injuries, as well as significant material damage.

The airstrike comes just a day after Syrian state media reported that Israel had fired a number of surface-to-surface missiles from the Golan Heights towards sites in Quneitra near the border, causing some material damage.

Last week, a number of sites were targeted by surface-to-surface missiles near Zakyah, south of Damascus. According to the Syrian Capital Voice site, Iranian militias control sites and warehouses at the sites that were targeted.

Two weeks ago, an anti-aircraft missile fired from Syria set off rocket sirens in and near Umm al-Fahm in northern Israel, as Syrian state media reported an alleged Israeli airstrike near Damascus. According to Syrian state news agency SANA, a Syrian soldier and five civilians were killed in the alleged Israeli airstrike.

On Monday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov condemned Israeli strikes on Syria, warning that these attacks could lead to an escalation. Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Mikdad warned that Syria would respond to Israeli attacks.

Here;  Alleged Israeli airstrike targets Damascus - The Jerusalem Post (

Read that last paragraph I put in bold closely.  So on Monday the Russians warned Israel and on Wednesday the Russians invaded Ukraine.  Do you see how this all could play out and that Isaiah 17, the destruction of Damascus, could lead to Russia leading the Ezekiel 38 coalition with the intent and purpose to destroy Israel once and for all?

What an exciting time to be alive!  We live in the generation that, I believe, won't see death!  We will hear the trumpet and get our new bodies and meet Jesus in the clouds and will NEVER have to worry about anything ever again!  Maranatha!

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