
Friday, February 4, 2022

Putin Continues to Be Leading Candidate to Fulfill Ezekiel 38

Most of you know that Ezekiel prophesied a day when a coalition, led by Russia and including Iran, Turkey and other N African Muslim states, would gather their armies in prepare to destroy Israel and take her wealth.  Today we have been watching how this coalition is coming together for the first time in human history.

Also of interest is that most prophecy watchers believe that the fulfillment of this prophecy will happen AFTER the rapture and before the 7 year peace agreement that Antichrist will sign.

If we are really close to the rapture, and most prophecy watchers who hold a pre-trib view believe we are, then Putin would be the obvious choice to fulfill the role of Gog of Magog.  He has basically declared himself to be Czar of Russia for life! 

Here’s what I think is really going on: Putin views himself as Russia’s modern emperor. His mission: To restore Russia’s ancient empire—to put it back together again after its great fall in the Cold War. In 2005, he called the breakup of the Soviet Union the “greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century.”

The proper title for a Russian emperor: “czar of all the Russias.” That implies not just today’s Russia, which stretches across 11 times zones, but also Belarus (or White Russia) and Ukraine (sometimes known as Little Russia).

Putin insists that Russians and Ukrainians are “one people—a single whole,” and that the Ukrainian nation is an artificial creation.

Here;  If Putin Wins, it’s Not Only Ukraine that Loses - Israel News (

Will Russia invade Ukraine?  We have no idea but if Putin considers himself as Czar of all the Russias and also believes Ukraine is an artificial creation and that he really is Czar over the Ukrainian people as well, then one could see how he would arrive at this decision.

What will America do if this happens?  What will NATO do?  Of course America's military is the 10,000 pound gorilla in NATO so guessing the teeth of any military action against Russia will have to come from America.

Wars and Rumors of War.

We have no idea when the trumpet will blow summoning us into the clouds to meet Jesus in the air, BUT please don't be surprised if it happens sometime really soon.  Be busy!!

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