
Thursday, February 24, 2022

Top Democrat Warns Putin Not to Forget About Global Warming

 If you need more evidence that we are living in a world run by clowns, here's some more for you.

While being interviewed on Arabic TV, former Secretary of State, John Kerry, warned that Putin shouldn't forget about global warming while he's invading Ukraine.  Also he warned that other big countries might lose focus on global warming as they are trying to figure out how to stop the slaughter of thousands of Ukraine citizens.

"…Massive emissions consequences to the war, but equally importantly you're going to lose people's focus. You're going to lose, certainly, big country attention because they will be diverted, and I think it could have a damaging impact," Kerry said after stating that he was concerned about the people of Ukraine, as well as Russia's willingness to "change boundaries of international law by force."

"So, you know, hopefully I think President Putin would realize that in the northern part of his country, they used to live on – 66% percent of a nation that was over frozen land. Now it's thawing and his infrastructure is at risk and the people of Russia are at risk," he added. "And so I hope President Putin will help us to stay on track with respect to what we need to do for the climate." 

Here;  John Kerry excoriated for hoping Putin will focus on climate change amid Ukraine invasion: 'Total clown show' | Fox News

After the interview, Mr. Kerry got on his private jet and flew to Iceland to accept an award for all his hard work on Global Warming.

Yes, these are the folks that are running the greatest nation on God's green earth right into the ground.

I love this country and am thankful that I have been able to spend all my 59 years here, but it is really sad to watch it go.  

However, I'm looking forward to going to the New Country that Jesus has prepared for all of us aliens who love him.

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