
Wednesday, March 9, 2022

America, Your Grocery Bill is About to Go Up $1,000 per Month!

Is it possible that judgment has started for America?  Is it possible that 2 years of Covid shutdowns have crippled our supply chain making product prices soar?  Is it possible that printing trillions of dollars to save ourselves from financial collapse 14 years ago is now coming home to roost with rising inflation?  Is it possible that the perfect storm of Russia invading Ukraine, China readying to attack Taiwan and Israel getting ready to attack Iran could lead to such disruptions and price increases in America that the middle class begins to collapse?  I saw the liberal idiot, Stephen Colbert, say that he didn’t mind paying a few more bucks at the pump if it punished the Russians and helped Ukraine. He then joked that he really didn’t care cuz he drives a $200,000 Tesla electric car.  He makes $16,000,000 per year so paying a little more ain’t gonna hurt that “liberal elitist”.  But when rising fuel costs hit every single product that you buy and costs of daily items on everything from bread to tennis shoes goes up by 100%, and grocery bills rise by $500 and your truck costs $300 for a tank of gas...millions upon millions of Americans will be out of business.  And that’s when the collapse would happen. Please pray and remember that God has this all totally under control.


But the war in Ukraine is set to put a major crimp in the ability of American farmers to import the nutrients they need just as the planting season approaches, with the U.S. and other nations levying sanctions on Russia for its aggressive invasion of Ukraine.

Ben Riensche, the owner of Blue Diamond Farming Company in Iowa and a farmer of 16,000 acres in that state, told Carlson that the sanctions will have a far-reaching impact on our food supplies in the very near future.

 “Soaring fertilizer prices are likely to bring spiked food prices,” Riensche said. “If you’re upset that gas is up a dollar or two a gallon, wait until your grocery bill is up $1,000 a month, and it might not just manifest itself in terms of price. It could be quantity as well. Empty-shelf syndrome may be starting.”

Riensche went on to point out that costs to raise his crops have already gone up 40 percent because the cost of nitrogen is three times higher than last year. Phosphorus and potassium fertilizer prices have doubled, he added.

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