
Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Biden Says "New World Order"

It's getting very easy to see that the world is soon going to demand, and need, a New World Order.  The signs have been everywhere for the past 20 years.  Too many people in poverty.  Too many billionaires.  Too much inequality.  Too much "racism".  Too much debt.  Too many wars.  Too many diseases.  Too many currencies.  Too much climate change. Too many guns.  All of issues need to be dealt with.  And the best way to do it will be to collapse the current financial systems, bankrupt 99% of humans, take back all their property and start over.

The New World Order.

Of course the Bible has said all along this is coming.  But the Bible is also clear that this will be the worst time in all of human history.  I'm very hopeful that all followers of Christ will not be here to witness it.

So how close might we be?  Let's see what President Joe Biden has to say about it.  Let's also notice that this article comes from a Jewish source.

On Monday, US President Joe Biden addressed the Business Roundtable’s CEO Quarterly Meeting.

After several minutes of self-praise accomplished by citing questionable “facts,” the President made a remarkable statement before being hustled away from the podium by his handlers: his administration would be a leader in the “new world order.” This statement was interpreted by one Jerusalem rabbi as a type of euphimism to reduce the world’s population.

Biden has worked with the Business Roundtable for many years. It is a nonprofit lobbyist association whose members are chief executive officers of major United States companies. In 2010, The Washington Post characterized the group as President Barack Obama’s “closest ally in the business community.

After a convivial speech the president diverted into the strange territory:

This presents us with some significant opportunities to make some fundamental changes.  You know, we are at an inflection point, I believe, in the world economy — not just the world economy, in the world.  It occurs every three or four generations. 

As one of the top military people said to me in a closed meeting the other day, 60 — 60 million people died between 1900 and 1946.  And since then, we’ve established liberal world order, which hadn’t happened in a long while.  A lot of people are dying, but nowhere near the chaos.

And now is a time when things are shifting.  We’re going to — there’s going to be a new world order out there, and we’ve got to lead it.  And we’ve got to unite the rest of the free world in doing it.

The president then called for questions, but the media were ushered out of the room.

The National Pulse wrote about the speech, noting that Biden has a long history of advocating for a New World Order:

In 1992, then-Senator Biden wrote an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal entitled “How I Learned to Love the New World Order.” In the article, Biden – who was also the Senate Foreign Relations Committee’s European Affairs Subcommittee – said: “Having contained Soviet communism until it dissolved, we need a new strategy of “containment” – based, like NATO, on collective action–but directed against weapons proliferation.”

In the article, Biden called for increasing the powers of NATO and the UN.

Again,  at an Export-Import Bank Conference in 2013, Biden made an explicit call to establish a New World Order. 

The term ‘new world order has many meanings depending on the context. In history and politics, it refers to a new period evidencing a dramatic change in world political thought and the balance of power in international relations. After World War I, it referred to a vision for global peace that was manifested in creating the League of Nations.

New World Order has also been labeled a conspiracy theory that hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. Before the early 1990s, New World Order conspiracism was limited to two American countercultures, primarily the militantly anti-government right, and secondarily the part of fundamentalist Christianity concerned with the end-time emergence of the Antichrist. Many proponents believe the New World Order is already organized and active in many governments and industries.

Rabbi Pinchas Winston, a prolific end-of-days author, explained that the Biblical archetype for the New World Order is the Tower of Babel.

“Nimrod wanted a New World Order that didn’t have a God in it,” Rabbi Winston explained,  “A godless world allows people to do what they want without consequences or moral responsibility. Man ordering society as he wants.” 

The rabbi noted that Biden now represents the extreme left, creating an interesting dichotomy.

“This is what the anti-religious left-wing wants. To the liberals, a godless reality looks like freedom, but it is the opposite. Socialism always leads to fascism. Ironically, godlessness is also the goal of the Russia-China alliance. Putin is anti-God but condemns Western liberalism as a humanitarian crime.” 

There's a ton of interesting info to ponder in the above article.  The Rabbi is correct!  Men have always wanted a world without God because then they believe they are free to do whatever they want without anyone watching or judging them.  And today that desire is carried forward by the Democrats of America.  They want our schools to be God-free, our weddings to be God-free.  Our genders to be God-free. Our sexuality to be God-free.  Our alcohol and drug use to be God-free.  And certainly they want our government to be God-free.

Biden claims to be a Catholic but he's pro-abortion and pro all the other things listed above.  He would love to be the leader of this New World Order but sadly I believe his brain and body are too far gone.  However, his handlers behind the scenes know who is going to replace him, maybe soon.  And it's not going to be Kamala.  Even the Democrats are realizing she is too ridiculous in the sight of most Americans to pull off any leadership.

America may take the leadership role of the NWO but it won't last for long.  At some point the Antichrist will take the reigns.  We don't know when this is all going to happen but I will guarantee you that it will happen a lot quicker than almost all folks on earth have any clue about.

"While they are saying 'peace and safety', then destruction will come upon them suddenly."

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