
Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Israel Calls to Wage War Now on Iran Before Biden Signs Nuclear Deal

 Of course Israel and Iran are two of the main players that the Bible mentions will be around during the very Last Days.  So with all that's going on in the world it's not surprising to see that Wars and Rumors of War are building with these players.

Trump ripped up Obama's sham nuclear deal that he signed with Iran.  And now Biden is looking to re-sign the same deal that his old Commander in Chief had previously put together.  Israel knew it was bogus all along and applauded Trump when he tore it up.

And now some in Israel are saying they better act against Iran right now before Biden inks the deal and give Iran a "canopy" to hide under.

Israel’s defense minister said on Monday that the time to act on Iran was now, before the ayatollahs’ regime was protected by a “nuclear canopy.”

“The world must mobilize to stop Iranian aggression,” said Benny Gantz in a post on social media, a day after Israel announced that the Israel Defense Forces had intercepted Iranian drones en route from Iran to Gaza last year.

Whether or not a new nuclear agreement is signed in Vienna between Iran and world powers, said Gantz, “it will not be the end of the road for us—nor should it be for the countries of the region and the world, which must continue to act against Iranian aggression.”

The State of Israel and its defense establishment would take all necessary measures, “political, economic and if needed, also military,” in order to defend our sovereignty and ensure the security of the citizens of Israel.”

Iran’s aggression, said Gantz, “whether it emanates from Iranian territory or through Iranian proxies, is a threat to global peace and to regional stability, as well as a threat to the State of Israel.”

It is now, while a nuclear agreement is being negotiated in Vienna, he continued, that we must remember: “If Iran reaches the nuclear threshold, it will become even more dangerous to world peace. Now is the time for the world to mobilize to stop it. As I have said in the past, the State of Israel will take all the measures necessary to prevent Iran from becoming an existential threat.”

Here;  Israel calls to wage war against Iran 'Now', before Nuclear Deal signed (

So we have Russia fighting, Iran and Israel near the brink of fighting, now all we need is for Turkey to somehow get alongside Russia and/or Iran and the tri-fecta of Ezekiel 38 coalition will be up and operating.

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