
Saturday, March 12, 2022

The Dark Years for Planet Earth Are Now Starting in Earnest

 If this guy is telling the truth about what he sees coming, it sounds like the Great Tribulation must be really close.  The Bible tells us there won’t be any escape and the whole world will be caught up in it.  Pray for discernment as to what we are all supposed to be doing as we occupy until the Lord comes.


The global market for grains, vegetable oil and fertilisers was already extremely tight before Russia’s attack. 

What is happening now is a commodity black swan across both energy and agricultural resources. 

The World Food Programme warned of a catastrophic scarcity for several hundred million people last November. What is happening now will make this exponentially worse. 

“Everything is going up vertically. The whole production chain is under pressure from every side,” said UN’s ex-head of agricultural markets. 

Energy and agricultural products are interlinked. Gas is feedstock for fertiliser production in Europe. Russia and Belarus together account for 1/3 of the world’s potash exports. 

Around 33% of world exports of barley come from Russia and Ukraine together, 30% of wheat, 20% of maize and 80% of sunflower oil. 

The consequences are unforeseeable.

UN’s Food and Agricultural Organisation (FOA) are reporting a 43% increase in food price since 2020. And remember this was before the real problems had started. 

I have for quite a few years warned about the coming inflation, most probably leading to hyperinflation, based on unlimited money printing. 

But the dynamite of a global commodity crisis and shortages thrown into the already catastrophic debt and monetary fire will create an inferno of nuclear proportions. 

If a miracle doesn’t stop this war very quickly (which is extremely unlikely), the world will soon be entering a hyperinflationary commodity explosion (think both energy, metals and food) combined with a cataclysmic deflationary asset implosion (think debt, stocks and property). 

The world will be experiencing totally unknown consequences without the ability to solve any of them for a very long time. 

All the above will most likely happen even without a global war. If the war spreads outside Russia and Ukraine, then all bets are off. At this point I am not going to speculate about such an outcome since what is standing in front of us currently is certainly bad enough. 

So is there any good news? Well, first of all as I often repeat, family and a small group of friends and colleagues will be invaluable in the coming crisis.

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