
Friday, March 11, 2022

They’re Working Overtime to Cover it Up

 Some of you might be familiar with a conservative named Mark Dice.  He has a YouTube channel where he seeks to uncover hypocrisy of the Left and blow the whistle on Big Tech and their attempts to silence any information that refutes their agreed upon narrative.

In this video he shows the hypocrisy of Big Tech censoring or blocking people or groups from their platforms.  Currently Putin is allowed to Tweet but Donald Trump is blocked.  Neo Nazi battalion In Ukraine had been blocked but now that they are fighting Russians, social media has unblocked them.

As he points out, there is a TON of untrue things flying around social media but it’s not up to Big Tech to tell us their version of truth.  

Remember when MSM said that the Covid vaccine would prevent you from getting Covid or spreading Covid?  Anyone who suggested otherwise was harassed and blocked.  And yet now we know what they were blocking was actually true.

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