
Thursday, March 24, 2022

UN Warns of Global Famine Coming

 Jesus said as the Last Days progress we will see famines, earthquakes, pestilence, wars and rumors of war.  Up until recently we haven't heard about any problems with food shortages.  Now, here in America, we have seen grocery prices begin to skyrocket in the past year.  We have millions of Americans who are reliant on food shelves to supply some of their needs.  We have millions of Americans who are living on Social Security with no other savings or income.  So what happens when the price of food doubles this year?

And if you think it could be bad for America, what do you think happens in places where they only make $3,000 per year and had already had trouble feeding themselves?  What happens to the world's poorest when food prices double in 12 months time?

And what happens to even further disrupt food prices when diesel fuel costs $5/gallon, fertilizer for corn fields goes from $425/ton in 2021 to $1650/ton in 2022, and Ukraine and Russia (the breadbasket of Asia and Europe) go offline because of war and disruptions?

In an interview on Tuesday with Politico, David Beasley, the UN World Food Programme’s executive director, warned that the conflict in Ukraine could spark off a refugee crisis worse than any ever seen before and a global food crisis in a combination. He described it as “hell.”

“If you think we’ve got hell on earth now, you just get ready,” Beasley warned. “If we neglect northern Africa, northern Africa’s coming to Europe. If we neglect the Middle East, [the] the Middle East is coming to Europe.”

Beasley explained that Russia and Ukraine are among the world’s biggest producers and exporters of grain. This is especially true for Africa, which imports half of its grain from Ukraine and Russia.

Beasley called the current situation the  “perfect storm” of COVID inflation, climate shocks, and unresolved wars. 

Ukraine was the second-largest supplier of grains for the European Union and one of the largest suppliers for emerging markets in Asia and Africa. Breaking down the numbers, Ukraine produced 49.6% of global sunflower oil, 10% of global wheat, 12.6% of global barley, and 15.3% of global maize.

But the dire warnings are not restricted to the far shores of the Atlantic. Food prices along with other basic necessities like gasoline are rising. Over the last 12 months, the cost of wheat has already risen 69 percent. Due to extreme drought, winter wheat is in very bad shape in states such as Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. The AG Web Farm Journal reported:

According to the National Drought Mitigation Center, more than half of Kansas was classified as under severe drought or worse as of March 8, the driest conditions since 2018. Severe drought also covers three-quarters of Oklahoma and more than two-thirds of Texas, both of which are large wheat producers.

U.S. wheat futures soared to the highest levels in 14 years early last week as the Russia-Ukraine conflict pushed two of the world’s largest wheat exporters out of the market. That has importing countries scrambling for replacement sources. Meanwhile, the winter wheat crop in China, the world’s largest grain producer, is expected to be among the worst ever after heavy rainfall delayed planting.

In January, global experts noted that China was hoarding the major types of grains and that by next year, the majority of the world’s food supply will be sitting in Chinese warehouses. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, China will hold 69% of the world’s corn reserves, 60% of its rice, and 51% of its wheat by mid-2022.

Here;  UN warns Ukraine war to spark global food shortage; The "pre-Messiah famine" (

If you open the link above and read the rest of the article you will see that the Jews believe this coming famine is a precursor to the Son of David coming to the earth as Messiah.

Of course it won't be Jesus they are looking for.

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