
Thursday, March 3, 2022

Vatican Using Covid Tests to Identify Messiah so They Can Kill Him

 This report coming out of Israel sounds like an HBO Movie!  Here's the plot:  The Vatican excavated under King David's tomb in Jerusalem some years ago.  They dug until they found King David and harvested some of his bones.  They used these bones to determine his DNA.  They are now checking all the nasal swabs of all the millions of COVID tests in Israel, and other places, to determine WHO matches King David and then will use this info to KILL the Messiah before he can come and redeem Israel and the world!!

Remember the old saying, "Truth is stranger than fiction."

Israel is among the most vaccinated countries against Covid. Many people don’t know that Israel is also among the countries that check for Covid the most.

According to one famous rabbi, there is a far more sinister agenda behind the tests. In a recent lecture, Kabbalistic Rabbi Alon Anava asserted that the Vatican is examining all nasal swab tests for Covid-19 to determine whose DNA the tests accumulated matches King David’s.

According to Rabbi Anava, who was at one point in his life was pronounced clinically dead and then came back to life, the Vatican excavated underneath King David’s tomb on Mount Zion to collect his DNA. He added that the Vatican knows that the Messiah will come from the lineage of King David, and so they are trying to see who is alive today that is a match with the Biblical king. He added that they are doing this to preemptively kill the Messiah or messianic candidates before they redeem the world.

In the middle of a lecture last week, Rabbi Anava, who boasts close to 100,000 subscribers on Youtube, said of the Vatican:

I’ll tell you quickly for the ones who didn’t listen or didn’t pay attention because the class was four and a half hours there. They, in a very malicious, evil way, took over the grave of king david in order to dig out the bones to take DNA samples so they can now shove the q-tips in the eye and the nose of the entire world to get DNA samples from everybody to try to track where’s Mashiach and who’s Mashiach because they know Mashiach comes from from the House of David. And if they can get DNA samples from here and then some DNA samples from here, they can narrow down who’s the Mashiach and kill him before he comes to redeem the world.”

There is some legitimacy to his claim on the Vatican tomb raiding the grave of King David.

In March 2021, Israel365 News reported on a motion filed against the Jerusalem Municipality for turning a blind eye to a massive illegal digging project under the Tomb of King David in Jerusalem’s Mount Zion. According to the case brought by the Israeli NGO Regavim, the Jerusalem Municipality has been concealing the existence of an underground tunnel dug by the Church of the Dormition, one of the largest and most recognizable Catholic churches in Jerusalem.

It is believed the construction of the tunnel, approximately 1,970 feet long and 5 feet wide, was completed 12 years ago.  It was allegedly built by the Catholic authorities in Jerusalem as an underground passage from the main building of the Dormition Abbey to the residences of the clergy in the Beit Yosef building, a dormitory/guest house it built nearby decades ago.

Another rabbi, the spiritual leader of the Yanar Institute in Jerusalem, Rabbi Daniel Asor, believes otherwise. According to Rabbi Asor, that tunnel is a means for the Vatican to exhume the bones of King David, who they allege was buried in Mt Zion. As the church is Catholic, the rabbi asserts that they operate under the guise of the Vatican.

Adding more mystery to the affair, the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA), which should have supervised the digging in the sensitive area, has consistently denied the tunnel’s existence.

Here;  Covid tests are checked by Vatican to determine who Messiah will be, rabbi says (

"But Dennis, the Catholics at the Vatican would never come up with such a plan because they are good Christians and everyone in the Vatican is a sincere follower of Christ!  Besides that, they already know that Jesus is the Messiah and so would have no interest in a plan like this whatsoever!" 

Please remember that when the Jews start yelling about the Messiah, they ARE NOT talking about Jesus.

So let's digest this to see what might be going on knowing that "the whole world is under the control of the evil one." (1 John 5)

First off, let's remember that lots of prophecy watchers believe that the Vatican and Pope could end up being the False Prophet of the unholy trinity mentioned in Revelation.  Also the Vatican has paid for a huge telescope in Arizona and use it to watch for UFO's and "alien" encounters.  The Vatican's chief astronomer said years ago that when the aliens show up on earth that the Catholic church will baptize them and welcome them into the fold.  So the Catholics are already prepping the world to expect and accept "aliens" coming to earth.  We know they are demons and not aliens.

So is it possible that the Catholic church is up to something like this because they believe that Antichrist is going to come from the House of David?  Could they be trying to identify who the FALSE CHRIST that the Jews are going to accept?  If the Jews are going to accept Antichrist as Messiah maybe he will have to make them believe he comes from the Line of David?

So in the end, we don't have any solid answers for you but we very well could file this one into, "Many will come in my name saying 'I am the Christ'.  We simply don't know but we do think this is very interesting because we do not trust the Catholic Church for anything of truth.  The evidence of their Satanic involvement has been uncovered in the thousands of pedophile priests and leaders that have been uncovered in the past 20 years.  As we have said before, when you see little kids being sexually abused, you can smell for the sulphur because the evil one isn't far away.

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