
Thursday, April 28, 2022

Amazon Gets Green Light to Build Tower of Babel Headquarters

 That old nemesis, Nimrod!  He was the one who started all pagan worship.  Some rumors even say he could have had some nephilim blood in him.  He built the Tower of Babel in an attempt to show people that he could be equal with God but also maybe he figured if God ever flooded the world again HE would have an escape plan!

Regardless, we could label him FULL ON REBELLION.

Today we read the Amazon, a company that didn't exist 15 years ago, has now almost surpassed Walmart to take the place on largest US company, is going to build the Tower of Babel as it's headquarters.


Amazon's plans to build a helix-shaped "Tower of Babel" as the centerpiece for its forthcoming second headquarters in northern Virginia has been given the green light by the Arlington County Board.

It was in February 2021 that the online retail giant announced plans for its spectacular, 350-foot tower to be the featured item at its new offices that will house more than 25,000 workers once completed.

The helix stands out because of its possible resemblance to the Old Testament's "Tower of Babel"– an attempt by man to reach the heavens before mankind's languages were confused by God in the 11th chapter of Genesis.

Jeff Bezos, who owns Amazon and the nearby Washington Post, may have a fancy for the biblical character of Nimrod, "a mighty hunter" (Genesis 10:9).

"Amazon has said it hopes to complete the project in 2025.

"Because skyscrapers are banned in the District of Columbia, and the Amazon buildings will be among the tallest in Arlington County, from some vantage points the helix will dominate the region's skyline like no building other than the Washington Monument."

Here;  Move over, Nimrod: Amazon gets green light for its 'Tower of Babel' HQ (

So the tower will dominate the skyline and be visible from all vantage points from the Nation's capital of Washington D.C.?

Hmmmm....sounds very much like something that will be important during the Great Tribulation.

Hat tip to Chealsie M.

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