
Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Black Racist Subway Shooter

 Last week a man shot up a bunch of people on a New York subway.  Had he been a white man and said all sorts of outrageous “white supremacy” things, CNN, CNBC, CBS would have been all over the story!  It would have been on the 24 hour news cycle.  There would have been all sorts of hand wringing, tears and lots of talk about the “racist culture in America”.  But when it turns out the dude was black and said all sorts of crazy racist things like that blacks and whites shouldn’t even co-exist together and that blacks should never marry whites, the media went silent.  “Nothing to see hear folks!  Move along!  Next story please!”  It is becoming so evident that the MSM has a narrative and if the story contradicts that narrative they simply don’t report it.  Very frustrating to see.  Watch Paul Joseph Watson pull it apart while adding some witty humor.

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