
Monday, April 18, 2022

Digital Currencies Will Drive the Next Industrial Revolution

 Do you think we are getting ever closer to the day when all humans will need some type of mark to access the financial markets?  A day when cash will become obsolete?

This next article doesn't come from a prophecy website but from a Financial Advisor site the sends me emails almost daily.

We are at a historical moment, she said, and about to adopt a new standard of money and a new financial system. That last happened in 1834, when British moved from “tally sticks,” which were a primitive physical record of assets and debt, to paper currency.

The British government was in debt and introduced paper money to pay it off. That scenario parallels the challenges facing the U.S. and its mounting fiscal deficits, she said.

“We are doing the same thing now,” Malmgren said. In Britain, it led to the Industrial revolution. “We are the same point, with blockchain or something like it and digital money.”

Not only will digital currencies be transformative, but they will also happen at breakneck speed, according to Malmgren.

Buckminster Fuller documented that the growth of information in 1900 was doubling every century. By 1945 it was doubling every 20 years, in 1980 annually, and in 2020 it doubles every 12 hours, she said. “Images are driving our society, and in the future, we won’t look at paper annual reports.” Apple glasses, she predicted, will “put us in metaverse spaces where we experience an annual report.”

Here;  Pippa Malmgren – Digital Currencies Will Drive the Next Industrial Revolution - Articles - Advisor Perspectives

Please remember that for the past 2000 years Bible readers had no idea HOW it would be possible for the whole world to be on one financial system or HOW it would be possible to have to take a mark in order to buy or sell anything.  But now we know!!

The Bible also told us that in the very last days KNOWLEDGE WOULD INCREASE.  As she points out in her talk, human knowledge is now doubling every 12 hours.

This is UNPRECEDENTED!  All followers of Christ should take some time every day to "look up!" because our redemption by Jesus Christ is certainly drawing near.

Maranatha!!  Come Lord Jesus!

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