
Monday, April 25, 2022

Drought, Drought, Too Wet

 There will be famines.  

We have blogged on this a ton but the news and articles just keep coming so we continue to post the news of the day.

Here in Minnesota, it's currently cloudy and 32 degrees on April 25.  It's been unusually cold and unusually wet in our area.  I work with a local farmer in the spring and fall and last year we had most of the corn put in by now and working on beans.  But this year they haven't even been in the fields to do tillage because it's too wet and cold.

So it's either too dry in some places to have any crops or maybe too wet and cold to plant any crops.  Either way it's not going to be good for the already skyrocketing prices of grain which impacts virtually everything we eat.

March 7 was a mild Monday on Mark Bennett’s cattle ranch in southern Baker County,(Oregon) and he expected to see some of the rapidly melting snow turn dry channels into temporary streams.

It didn’t happen.

When he and his wife, Patti, walked out to one of their hayfields they hoped that the 4-inch-high stubble they left last fall to provide habitat for sage grouse would also have kept the soil moist by protecting it from sunlight and the desiccating winter winds.

Again they were disappointed.

What they found, Mark Bennett said, was soil better described as dust than as mud.

“The ground is so dry it just absorbs every bit” of the melting snow, he said.

Here;  Drought prompts continued dread | |

No Bull Beef owner Bryan Horadam said, “My product is grass-fed, grass finished cows and without the rain, I don't have as much grass.” 

Horadam relies on cutting his own hay during the winter and dry summertime for times like these where there's a lack of rain. “That's where the hay comes in and that's the importance of the rainfall on the pastures, for them to have the grass. And also for my hay to grow, so I can cut the grass to produce the hay and round bales.”

Business owners are finding it difficult to work around the stubborn weather. Woody Riley with Riley Family Farm is all too familiar with this.

“It pushes you up against the wall with vegetables because, come July, it’s too hot and everything dies,” Riley said. They are doing what they can, though. “That's been the biggest thing, is keeping the ground mulched and conserving the water we do have in the soil."

Here;  South Texas drought affecting farmers |

I don’t think that people realize how severe this crisis will eventually become.  Never before in modern history have we seen global food production being hit by so many major problems all at once.  It truly is a “perfect storm”, and hundreds of millions of people are going to deeply suffer as a result.  I would very much encourage you to share this article with as many people as you can, because everyone needs this information.  As I discussed yesterday, things may be somewhat bad right now, but conditions will eventually get much worse as the months roll along.

Here;  Food Production Is Going To Be Substantially Lower Than Anticipated All Over The Globe In 2022 (

My wife and I pray every morning that we could have discernment, like the sons of Issachar, who saw what was happening and knew what to do.  Of course, all followers know we are supposed to be involved in the Great Commission and working extra hard to scatter seeds and be part of snatching them from the fire while there is still daylight...BUT what else?  Are we supposed to be stocking freezers, cupboards, wood piles, topping off propane tanks in case the Lord leaves us here longer than we had hoped?  Or maybe we are supposed to stock up on things because the Lord is going to use our supplies that we left behind at the rapture to bless those folks who are left behind?

I don't have the exact answers but I am getting more and more certain that "back to normal" is not going to happen.  Also feeling more and more certain that the next 12 months could be monumental for human history.

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