
Tuesday, April 12, 2022

“Even Their Women...”

 We have posted in the past about the huge rise in women teachers being arrested for sexual contact with their students.  How bizarre!  We weren’t around 100 years ago in America but we are going to wager that there weren’t any female teachers having sex with their students.  We believe it is a recent phenomenon raised out of our very perverse society.  We can’t help but think of Paul writing in Romans, “Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones.”  We wonder if it’s another sign of impending judgment of our society when even our women have turned into perverts?


RICHMOND, CA – A now-former 35-year-old biology teacher was arrested earlier in April and has since been charged with 29 counts of various sex crimes involving minors, with prosecutors alleging there are at least seven underage victims involved in the case.

On April 6th, Anessa Paige Gower, who was reportedly a biology teacher at Making Waves Academy in Richmond, was arrested at her Sacramento home after she returned back from vacationing in Hawaii.

The Costa District Attorney’s Office claims that Gower had victimized at least seven minors between 2021 and 2022, allegedly engaging in “numerous” illicit acts with children that ranged from sharing sexually graphic photos online, inappropriate touching, to outright sex.
Officials have not released the ages or genders of the victims, but the school that Gower worked out of did host students from fifth grade to twelfth grade. Gower is currently being held on bail set at $1.9 million.

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