
Thursday, April 7, 2022

Israel Could Capitalize on Europe’s Energy Crisis

 Russia currently supplies the gas that Europe needs to function.  I guess Europe hasn’t made enough windmills and solar panels to keep their houses warm and are desperate to burn fossil fuels.  Global warming will have to wait! 😉

Israel could end up coming to the rescue of Europe’s dependence on Russia gas.  So just imagine how upset Putin would be if Israel steps in and starts shipping their gas recently found in the Leviathan gas field.  Also remember what Ezekiel 38 says about the people asking Russia if they mean to invade Israel to take their wealth.   “Have you come to plunder? Have you gathered your hordes to loot, to carry off silver and gold, to take away livestock and goods and to seize much plunder?”’


With Europe eager to wean itself from its dependence on Russian oil and gas, the war in Ukraine could mark a 180-degree turn in Europe’s energy attitudes with renewables taking a back seat to more robust, if less politically correct sources. Europe’s shift takes place just as Israel has jumped on the renewables bandwagon, most recently halting gas-exploration licenses to focus on developing renewables.

But the most arresting change has come from Germany. Hailed as a leader in green energy, the country is now talking about starting a strategic coal reserve and briefly floated the idea of extending the life of its remaining three nuclear plants (it has since decided against doing so). Germany’s shift is easy to understand—of Europe’s major economies, it is most dependent on Russian gas (51%). Italy is not far behind at 46%. France imports 24%. Eastern Europe is also highly dependent on Russian gas (Romania being a notable exception).

The Europeans have made themselves dependent on Russian supplies by “investing tremendous amounts in renewables” while at the same time “putting an almost complete moratorium on local fossil fuel development,” Yonatan Dubi, professor in the department of chemistry at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, who frequently lectures on energy issues, told JNS.

“I think the energy lesson that we should learn is that—when push comes to shove—all climate ideologies and all net-zero carbon emission programs are insignificant compared to the Western world’s need for a continuous and stable source of power,” he said. “Not taking this into account is what led Europe to the present energy crisis.”

Not only is Europe in essence funding Russia’s war in Ukraine by paying top dollar for Russian gas, but it’s also at the mercy of Russia for its energy, said Dubi, noting that Russia has threatened to cut gas supplies through Nord Stream 1, the pipeline that crosses Ukraine, if customers do not pay in rubles. “My guess is that they will eventually do what Russia wants because they have no choice,” he said.

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