
Thursday, April 28, 2022

Prisons Must Facilitate Transgender Surgeries

The delusional insanity continues.  Today we read that a federal judge just ruled that a man in prison who thinks he’s a woman (or maybe he’s just bored?) must be given surgery to remove his male parts AND the taxpayers must pay for it.  

This follows the news out of New Jersey last week that a transgender man was housed in women’s prison and impregnated 2 prisoners.


 A federal judge ruled on Monday that a federal prisoner is entitled to surgical procedures that will alter his body in order to accommodate his “transgender” identity.

As reported by USA Today, Judge Nancy Rosenstengel of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois ordered the United States Bureau of Prisons (BOP) to provide a surgeon who will perform the operation for a prisoner going by the name of Christina Iglesias, a man who believes that he is a woman. The decision ended a case that has lasted for three years.

Under the conditions of Rosenstengel’s ruling, BOP must now provide a timeline for when Iglesias’ surgery will take place, including details about their vetting process for the surgeon who will perform the operation, and must submit weekly reports to the court constantly updating the judge on the matter. The judge also ordered the operation to be carried out before Iglesias’ prison sentence ends in December.

“I am hopeful that I will finally get the care I need to live my life fully as the woman I am,” Iglesias said. “BOP has denied me gender-affirming surgery for years – and keeps raising new excuses and putting new obstacles in my way. I am grateful that the court recognized the urgency of my case and ordered BOP to act.”

This ruling would mark the first time in history that a federal prisoner has been ordered to receive gender-altering surgery.

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