
Monday, April 4, 2022

World Government Summit

 We know it’s coming.  A cashless society where digital currency issued by central banks will be the only method that anyone will be able to buy or sell with.  And that’s exactly what was discussed this week at the World Government Summit.  Evidently Satan can simply broadcast his plans because so few earthlings  have any Biblical knowledge so they have no idea that what’s happening was foretold long ago.  And only now do we have the technology available to make those prophesies a reality.  Also note that Bitcoin and other digital currencies will not be allowed.  Only the digital currency issued by the central banks.  Of course we knew that’s exactly how it has to play out.  There is simply no way the government is going to allow anyone but themselves to control currency.


The World Government Summit is underway this week in Abu Dhabi and we’ve already got a bombshell to report.

Dr. Pippa Malmgrem, a top American economist who served as a special adviser to former President George W. Bush, made a statement that confirms everything myself and others have been reporting for quite some time – that a cashless society is looming right around the corner.

Pippa Malmgren, Economist At The World Government Summit 2022

She states her belief that the world financial system is about to switch accounting systems & digital money. Not decentralized cryptos, but centralized CBDCs (central bank digital currency)

This new money system Malmgren talks about with such enthusiasm will not only be digital, it will be centralized and it will be programmable. Do not confuse it with Bitcoin or other crypto currencies. The only thing it will share in common with other crypto is that it will be based on blockchain technology.

This means the central banks will have complete control over your money and will be able to program it so that it can only be spent on certain things or in certain places. For example, have you purchased too many guns or too much ammunition over the past month? Maybe you indulged in too much frivolous travel and blew through too much gasoline? The government could easily have your money reprogrammed to limit future purchases of such taboo items. The possibilities are endless.

What’s the bottom line? Once we get digital programmable money, where and how you will be “allowed” to spend your money will depend on your social credit score.

This money will be linked to everyone’s personal digital identity. The digital ID marks the other pillar of the new digital economy that they haven’t really told you about yet. But if you read their documents at the World Economic Forum, you know it’s coming.

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