
Friday, April 15, 2022

Would the Real Jesus Please Stand Up?

 Most of us who have followed Christ for sometime know that there is a huge difference in what we can believe about Christ's life and death, what we believe about sin, what we believe about Jesus being the only way.  But does it all really matter?

"Dennis, as long as we are saying the name of Jesus we can believe anything we want!  If I want to believe he was a nice man who showed up on earth to teach us all how to live and love then that's up to me!  I can believe whatever I want about Jesus and you can too!"


"Many will say to me ON THAT DAY, 'but Lord, Lord!  Didn't we prophecy in your name?  Didn't we cast out demons in your name?'  And I will say to them, 'Depart from me!  I never knew you."

Pretty scary words coming from our Lord and Savior.

Obviously, IT DOES MATTER WHAT YOU BELIEVE ABOUT JESUS.  Because you might be worshipping a Jesus you made up in your mind who has NO POWER to save you.

I had this emailed to me today as did some of you.  It's from American Family Association and was first written in 1993.

Would the Real Jesus Please Stand Up?

I have met these people, many of them during the past 16 years. I know when it is coming. I can hear it (in the tone of their voices and in their suggestions on how I should act in order to be a good Christian). They all make about the same points. Here is a general outline of their suggestions.

  • Jesus didn’t criticize people; therefore, I should not criticize those who are responsible for filth on television or who produce and distribute pornography.
  • Jesus didn’t condemn anyone; He loved them. They usually point to the woman caught in the act of adultery on this one. They even quote Scripture: “Neither do I condemn thee: go and sin no more,” (John 8:11, KJV).
  • Jesus lived His life so that people respected Him and sought to follow Him. As Christians, we need to live our lives in a similar manner. That means that we don’t disagree with anyone; rather, we try to convince him or her by our actions and not our words.
  • Jesus made friends with everyone. He accepted everyone. He was even a friend to those with whom He disagreed. He didn’t turn them off simply because they disagreed with Him.

As a young minister, I read a story told by J. Wallace Hamilton, a preacher of note who died in 1968. According to the story, it seems that a not-too-dignified but somewhat successful preacher was preaching at a chapel service at a large respected university.

Now this preacher was not a good public relations person. He was somewhat unreserved and preached what many would call a straightforward, perhaps even blunt, sermon. I’m sure that you have heard that kind. He called sin…sin. Then laid out the plan of salvation. 

He just wasn’t a very tactful preacher; his bluntness offended some who were present.

Following his sermon, he was met at the back by one of the professors. Calling the preacher aside, the professor told him that he had preached a good sermon but that if he would change it just a little, not be so straightforward, that he could do so much more good.

“You know,” the professor said, “if you will search the Scriptures you will find that Jesus was the most loving, non-condemning, forgiving, helpful person who ever lived. I’m simply suggesting that you make your sermons as tactful as Jesus made his. It would really help your ministry.”

The preacher thought for a moment. “You think I need to be more tactful?” he asked.

“I think it would be a big help to your ministry,” said the professor.

“Was Jesus a tactful person?” the preacher asked.

“The most tactful person who ever lived,” responded the professor.

The preacher thought a little more then spoke: “Professor, please answer a question for me. If Jesus was the most tactful person who ever lived, how did He manage to get Himself crucified?”

The professor did not answer the question. 

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