
Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Zelenskyy Makes Some Religious Statements, "Christ is Risen!"

 We will repeat it again and again that we believe that the Antichrist won't be revealed until after the rapture of the church.  We believe that the "restrainer" mentioned in 2nd Thessalonians is the Holy Spirit that indwells in the hearts of all Christ followers.  When Jesus comes for his bride the restrainer will be removed and give full rise to the plans of Satan.  He will empower the Antichrist who will sign a 7 year peace agreement with Israel.  This is start the timer on the final 7 years.

So with that being said, if we believe that the rapture is near then it's very possible that the "man of perdition" is already walking on planet earth.  So it's kind of interesting to wonder who might end up playing the part?

Some think the Emmanuel Macron is a candidate because he is handsome, just won re-election, is currently the president of the EU and one of the most powerful men in Europe.  He also rides a jetski that has a registration number that ends in 666. 😏

But about a month ago another dude came into our news cycle.  He is now the hero of Ukraine and become a household name all around the world.

Ukraine’s embattled president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, sent out a video Easter message from the Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv to his people.

Despite being born a Jew, Zelensky ended his religion-laden speech with the emphatic declaration, “Christ is risen.”

The cathedral, built in the 11th century, is threatened with destruction by the Russian invasion. Zelensky cited the structure’s history of withstanding the onslaught of previous Russian armies, Asian hordes, and the Nazi occupation as a basis for his country’s ability to stand up against the current Russian invasion. 

Zelensky then described the Easter holiday in nationalist terms:

“Today, we all believe in a new victory for Ukraine,” Zelensky said. “And we are all convinced that we will not be destroyed by any horde or evil. We are all enduring dark times. And on this bright day,  most of us are not in bright clothes. But we are fighting for a bright idea. On the bright side. And the truth, people, the Lord, and the Heavenly light are on our side.”

It is odd for Zelensky, who was born Jewish and whose great-grandparents died in World War II, to invoke a deity from inside a church. 

It should be noted that despite his family’s Jewish history, Zelensky has been elusive about the details of his family’s Holocaust history, referring instead to his family being wiped out in “the war.” In his address to the Knesset, he rewrote history, claiming that Ukrainians helped Jews during the Holocaust. This is counterfactual as most Ukrainians collaborated with the Nazi occupation from its outset. Over one million Ukrainian Jews were murdered in the Holocaust. Zelensky also compared the Russian invasion to the Holocaust, referring to it as “the final solution.”

Zelensky continued his Easter speech while standing under an image of Mary, the Jewish mother of Jesus, referred to in Ukrainian Orthodoxy as Oranta.

“The power of the patron saint of the human race, Oranta. She is above me. She is above us all. The unshakable pillar of the Church of Christ, the unbreakable will of the main stronghold, Kyiv, the unbreakable wall of the state.”

It should be noted that Jews avoid using the term ‘Christ’ when referring to Jesus as it is an explicit acknowledgment of Jesus as the messiah. 

“As long as there is Oranta, there is Sophia,” Zelensky said. “And Kyiv stands with her, and the whole of Ukraine stands with them.”

The church was not named after a specific figure or saint but was dedicated to the “Holy Wisdom,” as was the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople.

Zelensky then quoted Psalms 46:6.

“Above the image of the Oranta are the words from the Psalms: God dwells in that city. It cannot be destroyed. From the very break of day, God will protect it.”

The verse in Psalms was, of course, referring to Jerusalem and not Kyiv, as Zelensky stated.

“Oranta in Latin means one who prays’,” Zelensky continued. “We have all been praying for the last two months. And in the Resurrection of Christ, which symbolizes the great victory of life over death, each of us asks the Lord for one thing. And speaks the same words to heaven. The words of a great and united prayer.”

Zelensky then made an impassioned plea to save all of his people, after which he waxed religious.

“Great and Only God! Save our Ukraine!” Zelensky invoke.“Protect those who protect us! Heaven, protect those who defend the native land. Strengthen the will of those who protect us from captivity. Save those who save Ukraine. Save all Ukrainians! We did not attack anyone, so give us protection. We have never destroyed other nations, so do not let anyone destroy us. We did not seize other people’s lands, so do not let anyone seize ours.”

Many Jews would dispute this claim as Ukraine has a history of centuries of pogroms and anti-Semitism.

“We believe, God, that in your judgment you will not forget them all. All those who have forgotten all your commandments…” he continued. “Let them and all of us hear the fireworks of victory.”

Here;  Ukraine's 'Jewish' president declares holy war against Russia: "Christ has risen!" [Watch] (

Super interesting to read this in a Jewish newspaper.  

We think the Vegas odds of Zelenskyy filling the role just went up.

We hope Jesus blows the trumpet really soon so we can meet the real Jesus Christ and quit pontificating about the Antichrist.

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