
Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Chip in Your Hand?

It sure does seem like all the signs are converging at the same time.  In just the last handful of years we have had many, many signs of the coming Great Tribulation manifest.  Today we find a major one that is being talked about more and more.  For the past 2000 years people would read this passage from Revelation and say, "That can't be possible for the whole world to have some type of mark in order to transact any we better spiritualize that verse."  But today, not only is taking a mark possible but with COVID passports rolled out last year, taking a mark has become probable.  Thankfully followers of Christ will not be around when the true Mark of the Beast shows up.

There's a "new technology" story just about every day these days. From self-driving cars and new weaponry that is appearing in the Russian war against Ukraine, from the government tracking people through their cell phones to various streaming, and subscription, "entertainment" options through computers, someone always has something new.

BBC News, in fact, recently documented a process that lets you "pay with your hand."

The report profiles Patrick Paumen, who has had a computer chip implanted in his hand that contains computer code similar to that in a debit-card system that allows him to swipe his hand over a contactless reader, and the necessary funds are debited from his bank account and transferred to the retailer.

The report notes how the first microchip was implanted into a human in 1998, and the British-Polish company Walletmor now is cashing in on the idea.

"The implant can be used to pay for a drink on the beach in Rio, a coffee in New York, a haircut in Paris – or at your local grocery store. It can be used wherever contactless payments are accepted," said chief executive Wojtek Paprota.

The report cites the implant process and surveys people to see who would consider it, It also talks about the computer systems required, and even has a mention that the process does offer some threat to personal information being hacked.

Here;  Mark of the beast? New tech lets 'you pay with your hand' (

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