
Monday, May 9, 2022

Democrat Freaks Bully and Intimidate Supreme Justices at Their Homes

It would seem likely that someone on the Left leaked the Supreme Court majority opinion that is going to cancel Roe v. Wade and remove abortion from the Constitution and instead put it back into the state's hands.  

This seems reasonable.  Let the elected officials of each state debate what their constituents want and if Oklahoma doesn't want to kill babies and California does then let it be.

Of course the demons are not happy about all this.  They want baby-sacrifice to be the LAW OF THE LAND.  They want baby-sacrifice to be legal in all 50 states.  They don't want women to potentially have to drive for hours into a neighboring state in order to kill their babies.

I'm sure you've all seen some of the demonic protests that are already going on.  One black woman who is barely dressed has her shirt stuffed with baby dolls. She lays on the sidewalk with her legs spread as she pretends to pull babies out of her vagina and then smashes them on the sidewalk.  Other groups of women scream at the top of their lungs.

So now the godless freaks have found the home addresses of the Supreme Justices who are voting against Roe v. Wade and they are lining up in front of their homes screaming obscenities and trying to intimidate and bully the justices into changing their minds.

So much for being against vigilante justice?  The Left is simply losing their delusional minds. 

Watch some of it here.

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