
Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Did Emmanuel Steal the Election?

Although Macron survived the French elections, many voters are wondering if the election was stolen. Macron wasted no time in launching a digital identity app that will be required for French citizens to access public and private services. Dystopian digital identity is the bedrock of Technocracy, aka the Great Reset. ⁃ TN Editor


This is an interesting article for a few reasons. First off you have the situation of French questioning the results of the election.  Next you have Macron as a contender for the position of Man of Lawlessness. And finally you have him rolling out a new digital ID. One day soon the world will take these digital ID’s and put them on your right hand or forehead and require you to identify yourself before you buy or sell anything.  Thankfully this won’t be fully implemented until after Christ followers are gone.


The French government has announced the creation of a new digital identity app for citizens to access private and public services, in line with a broader push for digital identity systems in Europe.

Just days after the re-election of globalist President Emmanuel Macron, the Ministry of the Interior has announced that it will be crafting a smartphone application to house a new digital identity.

The biometric app, which is based off the new identity card, was signed off in a decree by Prime Minister Jean Castex and Interior Minister GĂ©rald Darmanin on Tuesday.

The app will allow users to scan their physical identity card and it will be uploaded to be used to access public or private services.

The new system comes in place of the previous attempt by the government in 2019 to implement a digital identity. Dubbed the Alicem, the proposed system proved controversial and was ultimately scrapped over backlash over the use of facial recognition and fingerprints, broadcaster BFMTV reported.

The new digital identity will not record such personal features, however, it will contain details such as names, date of birth, a photo, and both email and physical addresses.

According to the government, the application “allows the user, in particular, to generate electronic certificates containing only the identity attributes whose transmission he considers necessary to third parties of his choice”.

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