
Friday, May 13, 2022

How Did We Get to This Point?

 As Mark Dice reminds us in this short video, just 15 years ago when we were all signing up for Facebook, we were given two choices, Male or female.  Today Facebook has over 50 recognized genders to choose from. 20 years ago it was a huge deal that Ellen gave another woman a romantic kiss on TV.  It was headline news!  Now we have a drug commercial on TV that shows gay men and transgender men kissing open mouthed as the music plays.  Mark Dice is not a prophecy watcher but he does a pretty good job laying out how the insanity came upon us like a flood.  Click the YouTube link below to watch.

I don’t believe we are ever going to reverse this trend.  Our perversion is here to stay.  I believe that judgment is the next thing coming for America.  It’s also possible that the perfect storm to remove us from “most favored nation” status has already begun.  Fires and drought or so wet farmers can’t plant.  Massive inflation eroding folks paychecks.  Deficits that will never be paid and only increase. Pulpits who should be preaching about salt and light, repentance and hell, are instead ordaining gays and transgenders to shepherd the flock.

Lord forgive us!  We know not what we do.

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