
Saturday, May 21, 2022

"Israel is an Evil State and Must be Destroyed"

Last week a woman journalist from Al Jezeera was killed in the Palestinian Territories while covering a story of unrest.  Her funeral was this week and the Muslims were out in force calling for the destruction of Israel whom they accuse of shooting her.  Israel has denied the charge and they have asked to see the bullet that killed her but last I read, the Palestinian authorities had refused.  The Hamas terrorists have a long proven history of killing or maiming their own people to whip up hatred of Israel in hopes it will make them more popular.  But this story is hi-lighting the hatred for Jews and Israel coming from a South African communist party made up of black people.  So you see, black people can be racist too!  Gonna guess you won’t see this story reported on CNBC.


 Israel is an "evil state which must be destroyed as a matter of urgency," South Africa's radical left-wing communist party Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) said in a statement released after the violent clashes during the funeral of Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh last week.

The EFF, the third-largest party in the South African parliament, is a pan-Africanist faction that "draws inspiration from the broad Marxist–Leninist tradition," according to its constitution. The party and its leader, Julius Malema, have been criticized for encouraging racist sentiments against whites and Indians and Malema himself was twice convicted of hate speech.

In the statement, the EFF said it condemns the "sadistic, cruel and genocidal Israeli apartheid state" for Israel Police's actions taken against Palestinian rioters at the funeral of the Al Jazeera reporter. 

According to the radical left-wing faction, Israel is a "sick, fascist and inhumane regime whose actions eclipse those of an apartheid state."

The EFF also called on the South African government and President Cyril Ramaphosa to expel the Israeli ambassador from the country, saying the world's patience has led "Zionist maniacs to believe they are untouchable."

The party also lamented the lack of sanctions imposed on Israel that are "so easily imposed" on socialist states.

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