
Monday, May 16, 2022

Only 37% of Christian Pastors Hold a Biblical Worldview

 A few months ago we posted the Pew research info that reported that only 6% of Americans hold a Biblical worldview.  Today we discover a good reason as to why that might be.  If only a small percentage of Americans attend church anymore, (fact) then even those that go to church have a 73% chance that the pastor they are listening to doesn't actually believe the Bible.

A majority of Christian pastors in the United States do not hold a biblical worldview, according to surprising new research from pollster George Barna, who says the data shows a spiritual awakening is “needed just as desperately in our pulpits as in the pews.”

The survey, released Thursday by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University, shows that only 37 percent of pastors in the U.S. hold a biblical worldview.

Among senior/lead pastors, 41 percent possess a biblical worldview – the highest percentage within the sub-groups of pastors. Less than one-third of associate/assistant pastors (28 percent), teaching pastors (13 percent) and children’s/youth pastors (12 percent) hold a biblical worldview, the data found.

An accompanying report labeled the findings “shocking.”

“This is another strong piece of evidence that the culture is influencing the American church more than Christian churches are influencing the culture,” said Barna, director of research at the university’s Cultural Research Center.

The survey’s findings were based on 54 questions in eight categories related to a biblical worldview. Within those eight categories, the only one where a majority of pastors affirm a biblical worldview is related to the purpose and calling of life (57 percent). A minority of pastors hold a biblical worldview in the other seven categories: family and the value of life (47 percent); God, creation and history (44 percent); personal faith practices (43 percent); sin, salvation and one’s relationship to God (43 percent); human character and human nature (40 percent); lifestyle, personal behavior and relationships (40 percent); and beliefs and behaviors related to the Bible, truth and morality.

The data on children’s pastors and youth pastors, Barna said, is particularly discouraging.

Here;  'Shocking' New Poll: Only 37 Percent of U.S. Pastors Hold a Biblical Worldview - Michael Foust (

Jesus asks if he will find any faith in the world when He returns?  After looking at this data it would sure seem that he won't find much left in America.

It also might help to explain the passage at judgment when Jesus tells people, "Depart from me. I don't know you."

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