
Thursday, May 5, 2022

“Other People who Can Become Pregnant”

 Sine the recent woman appointed to Supreme Court couldn’t define what a “woman” is we wonder how the heck Biden could have possibly figured out what “black woman” he was going to nominate?

And now we turn to NPR who reports that tearing down Roe v. Wade could be a real problem!  In fact the person (male or female can’t be reported) from Amnesty says it could be a real problem to deny the rights of women, girls and other people who become pregnant!  Besides women and girls, who else gets pregnant?  The godless left has now become so confused they don’t know if they are coming or going! “There is no such thing as women,”  “Only women should be allowed to decide abortion laws!”  “There is no such thing as men!”  “A group of men should not be allowed to dictate to pregnant persons about terminating their pregnancies!”  What a confused bunch of idiots!  It’s hard to watch.


The leaked draft opinion from the Supreme Court indicating it could overturn Roe v. Wade means that millions of women in more than half of U.S. states could either lose the ability to get an abortion or see their access drastically rolled back.

It would be a major shift in abortion law in the U.S., but human rights advocates say such a move could also weaken reproductive rights across the world.

The move would "damage the global perception of the United States," Amnesty International's secretary-general, Agnès Callamard, said in a statement. It would also "set a terrible example that other governments and anti-rights groups could seize upon around the world in a bid to deny the rights of women, girls and other people who can become pregnant," she said.

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